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《 POV Jeonghan 》

So there are three of us in the room, Chan sticks to me no doubt because he's still scared, personally I've so far experienced no fear, well except when my assailant stares at me blackly, hurls some pretty violent phrases at me and plays with his knife. Otherwise, I'm not afraid.

" Don't be afraid of me, because I personally don't want to hurt anyone, and I wouldn't hurt anyone older than me. " Junhui says softly

" Are you younger than us ? "

" I'm younger than you but not to Chan, I've-"

The poor boy doesn't even have time to finish his sentence when the door slams, opening on a person. Who's this again ?

I look at my youngest in front of me, his cheekbones red, ah he's cute. I think he's got a thing for the newcomer, who doesn't even give us a glance, just picks up the care kit and heads for the door.

" Do you need any help ? " Junhui asks.

" I can still treat Cheol and Shua on my own. "

Then, without a glance, the boy leaves the room, slamming the door. I see my youngest looking at us, his eyes shining so much he wants to cry, poor thing. I think I'm too tender-hearted, so instinctively I go over to my youngest and tap him on the shoulder.

Junhui looks at me gently and smiles, as if to tell me he's all right, but I can see in his eyes that he's not.

" I sincerely hope you never fall in love with someone who doesn't love you back. " says the blond man.

" Do you love him ? When he talks to you like that ? " Asks Chan.

" You know Chan, underneath his icy guy looks he's a nice guy, he's patient and attentive and ... it's boring isn't it ? "

Chan and I exchange a look and explode with laughter, my youngest lowering his head to the ground, embarrassed, poor guy. It's crazy, he's really cute, like a child who's made a mistake.

" We'll have to move from here to the other base." Says Shua

" Oh, you're here ? " Retorts Junhui

" Did you confess your feelings to Hao yourself or what ? "

" What ? No, and don't say it like that so he'll hear you."

" Fuck it, let's get moving. "

I don't get it, why do we have to move ? I clearly don't have time to ask the question when Shua grabs me by the arm and whisks me off to who knows where, all I know is that he's putting me in a van and Junhui is coming to my side. Cheol puts Chan on my other side.

" Where are we going ? " I ask Junhui.

" In an oth-" Begins the blond man.

" You don't need to know." Shua cuts him off

" You don't need to be mean you, you're a fake mean one at that."

" I don't like his family why should I speak nicely to him ? "

" I talk to him and I assure you he's not the same as his parents."

" You're too trusting. "

Junhui falls silent at the end of this sentence and breathes me a little "sorry" I shake my head gently to show him it's all right. Personally, what intrigues me most is why my family is mixed up with this gang...

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