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Say the name ~

《 No one POV 》

It's the next day, Jeonghan has slept alone, his youngest not even coming to sleep for a second, or at least not with him. This made him a little sad to see that when he woke up, there was no body heat next to him, but what could he say or do anyway ?

The black-haired man is currently at the table with Jun and Chan, the three boys chatting together as if they'd been friends for years. Seungcheol is there too, with Seungkwan and Hansol. Only Joshua and Minghao are missing.

" I'm off to join Hao. "

" You're finally a couple, aren't you ? " Seungkwan asks

" Our relationship status is all about us Kwan. "

Following this sentence, the young man disappears from the room. Seungkwan can't believe how long the blond boy of this gang has been so at ease, his shyness seems to have literally vanished.

" Jeonghan hyung, how are you ? You haven't even eaten." Chan asks, worried about his eldest.

" I don't know where Joshua is, it's stressing me out."

" If he's confirmed his real name to you it means he's slowly starting to trust you. You've got to go easy on him."

" He kissed me yesterday."

" How strange. " Said Hansol

He exchanges a look with Seungcheol, who nods and the two boys start giggling.

" Even though we kissed, he disappeared right after." Jeonghan says sadly.

" He must be in the shooting room. " Says the oldest of the gang.

" And if he kissed you, it's because he knows it's probably the last time you'll ever see each other. " Says Hansol

" Are you going to let us go after tonight ? " Asks Chan

" If we're led to our deaths, yes obviously. And even in the other case, Jihoon will be back with us and we'll necessarily release you, because we'll go back to normal life." Explains Seungcheol

" I was just getting used to being here. " Say Chan a little bit sad

" Afterwards, if we're still alive, there's nothing to stop you from coming to see us. " Says the older one

Following this, the blond winked at the younger man, who blushed. He couldn't say why, but his eldest made him feel things he'd never felt before: it was...indescribable...

Jeonghan, for his part, grabbed some bread and set off in search of his youngest, where else could the shooting room be ? After several minutes and several doors opened, Jeonghan finally stumbled upon it, and Seungcheol was right: his cadet was there, throwing his knife at a dummy.

" Joshua. Is everything all right ? " Asks the black-haired man.

" Oh, is that you ? Yeah I'm fine I slept pretty well and you ? "

" To sleep well I need either a cuddly toy..."

" You're such a child..."

" Or you..."

" Can you repeat that please ? "

" Your body heat and arms made me sleep super well. I don't feel like saying goodbye tonight. "

The youngest is touched but doesn't move, so the eldest takes the copper in his arms. Joshua is at a loss as to whether to return his elder's embrace would mean that he shares his feelings, but that tonight could be the end of the beginning of their story.

Would not returning his embrace mean that he felt nothing, that he didn't care, that in the end Jeonghan was really just some kind of toy ?

No, that's definitely not the second possibility Joshua feels, so he hugs his eldest too, and the two boys stay like that for a while.

Honestly, they really feel that tonight could be the definitive end of their story, which has only just begun.

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