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《 POV Jeonghan 》

We've been driving for I don't know how long, it's even dark now and Chan sleeps with his head against my shoulder.

Junhui explained to me that already when we got up, it was past thirteen and Shua was lazy to make a real meal so he just made us breakfast, I think he's also lazy to make an evening meal because he stops in front of a bakery.

" Make sure no one sees you. I won't be long. " Says the copperhead.

" Hyung's looking out for you too." Said Junhui with concern in her voice.

" Don't worry little kitten, I'll take care of everything. "

Oh, the nickname was far too adorable, after all, maybe he's just a sweet person in the deepest part of his being, well, he comes out of the van masked so we won't recognize him, no doubt, and here I am alone with Junhui, why alone ? Because you're not going to talk to someone who's asleep, that seems logical to me.

My head turns to Junhui, he looks back at me and nods as if he knows I want to ask questions. It must show on me, I've always been told I have an expressive face.

" Ask me any questions you like, I'll answer without a worry." Says the blond

" So first of all, maybe you'll finally tell me your age ! "

" Yes, I'm-"

A cell phone ringing, ah dear, it's missed again, is it possible that fate is so determined that I don't know his age ?

While Junhui was still on the phone with I don't know who.

Shua came back, threw our sandwiches on our legs and took off his mask. It's only now that I realize what an extraordinary beauty he is. His features are fine and extremely well-defined. Is it even possible to be that handsome ? No, such beauty should be forbidden !

I'm really getting carried away, I've got to stop. Being attracted to the man who kidnapped you is really weird, Jeonghan.

" Hyung, Hao just called me, they've discovered space and we have to sleep with someone." Says Junhui

" Why's that ? " Says Shua

" Because over there there's no cell, and we've concluded some things you're not going to like."

" What kind of plans have you made again ? "

" Kwan and Vernon are sleeping together. "

" So far everything makes sense and sleeping is just a word to define what they actually do, then ? "

" I sleep with him."

" Maybe you'll finally ask him if you can su-"

" Stop ! And Cheol sleeps with Chan and you sleep with Jeonghan. "

" May I ask why ? "

" Escape through a bedroom is simple so better watch them closely. "

I see Shua swear, his hands clenching on the steering wheel. I've really come to the conclusion that we have no say in the matter, it's been decided and we have no choice but to accept.

I'm going to sleep with this physical deity every night from now on and even though my brain has got used to the news, it doesn't seem disappointed but rather happy. It's definitive, I no longer understand my inner feelings.

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