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《 POV Jeonghan 》

I wake up with aches in my back, ah it was really a good and bad night, good in the sense that I still slept relatively well and bad because I wake up in pain.

I don't really dare to move because my youngest is still asleep, his head resting on my chest, and just as my hand was about to stroke his hair to gently wake him up, the door opened with a thud, waking Chan in the process.

" Shua hyung, they're awake."

" Very well, thank you, Kwan. You can go back to the office with Vernon and no nonsense between you two, hum. "

Even though it's quite dark I can see that this " Kwan's " cheeks are red, what nonsense is he talking about ?

I don't understand, but then he doesn't give me time to ask any more questions, because he comes up to me, pulls Chan away from me and grabs my wrist to get me up, then drags me off to who knows where, and on the way we meet Chan's carer.

" take care of your child, give him something to eat, he'll starve if you don't." Say Shua to Cheol

" Are you going to cook for your eldest ? "

" Yesterday he almost choked on the noodles Vernon prepared, so I might as well get in the kitchen myself. "

" Made food for Chan too so by the way, I'm too lazy to do anything right now."

" After hot chocolate and bread it's not hard to prepare either, you know. "

I see this Cheol grunt in response, then gently pat the back of my assailant's head, their friendly chemistry is so beautiful, even if they're not good people it doesn't prevent me from finding their friendship remarkable. Subconsciously, their little exchange made me smile.

I don't have time to smile any more, as we arrive in a small, rather well-kept room, unlike the cell Chan and I were in, and speaking of which, here he comes with Cheol.

" Sit down and don't move." Cheol says to Chan

" Guys I need you so much I can't take it anymore ! "

I don't know this one ! Ah but wait, if it's the one Shua called Shot yesterday. Oh, by the way, Chan and I have had our breakfast and it's excellent, much more nourishing than noodles, I assure you.

" What is it Shot ? Any problem ? "

" What do I do when you put me in the office with him ! My heart doesn't-"

To my great surprise, my kidnapper comes to hug Shot, it's strange but I didn't think he was capable of being gentle. As for Cheol, he's waiting patiently for what's to come, a bit like Chan and me, I must admit.

" Tell me, how am I supposed to do this ? " Says Shot

" You ask him if you can suck him off and if he doesn't want to I'll change your position." Said Shua.

" Am I seriously asking him that ? "

" Yes, go will my child. "

I almost choke on my milk personally, he's not actually going to do this is he ? It's an embarrassing request. After here, I don't feel like anything's a problem. What have I fallen into again ?

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