𝟹𝟶 - sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ʙʟᴜᴇs

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"What are you thinking so hard about?" I ask as I sit down with my tray of food, watching as Soyeon aimlessly plays around with the food on her plate. 

Now that we have returned back from summer break and our new semester has started, everyone has once again busied themselves with their classes and assignments. Two weeks have already passed and it seems that all the professors are in no mood on going easy on us this semester. 

Soyeon puts down her spoon with a sigh and said, "Should I pursue clinical psychology or forensic psychology?" 

I give her a small look, having not expected anything this serious and said, "I don't know. What's the difference."

"Clinical psychology would mean dealing with treating and identifying serious mental and behavioral  disorders whereas forensic psychology deals more with crime and mentally ill criminals."

As soon as Soyeon described criminal psychology, flashbacks of last night started to appear in my head from when Seungcheol and I were watching Flower of Evil. Seungcheol hates watching crime and thriller genre television but I love them and had managed to convince him to watch it with me. But of course he spent most of the time hiding behind my shoulder because he was too scared of the thriller aspect of the drama. 

I shake my head at her and say, "Don't take forensic psychology!"

Soyeon gives me a look at the determination of my voice and asked, "Why?" 

"I don't need you to go deal with dangerous psychopaths and then potentially get yourself killed in the process," I say, "I need you to stay alive."

Soyeon gives me a very pointed look and said, "The chances of me being killed because of forensic psychology is very small."

"But its still there," I point out. 

Soyeon shakes her head lightly as she briefly returns back to eating and asked, "Where is this coming from, by the way? This sudden thought of me dying in forensic psychology." 

"Seungcheol and I were watching Flower of Evil last night. That drama is crazy," I tell her. 

"So you're seriously basing all of this off a fictional drama?" Soyeon sounded amused, "You know that those stuff are usually over-dramatized and unrealistic."

"Doesn't mean it still can't happen in real life," I argue back, "Just don't do that." 

"Alright. I won't," Soyeon decided to drop the topic as well. She resumed to her eating in silence but a few seconds later snapped her head back up in a frown, as if she is puzzled over something, and asked, "Hold up. What do you mean you and Seungcheol were watching Flower of Evil last night?"

This time I give her a puzzled look and ask," What do you mean?"

"Where did you guys even watch it together. Boys aren't allowed in our dorms and girls can't go beyond the lobby in the boy's dorm. So. . .the library?" Soyeon asked. 

The thought of telling her of Seungcheol's secret shed hideout does cross my head and I almost do tell her but then stop myself. The place isn't mine, its Seungcheol's, and he trusted me with keeping his secret when he introduced me to it. I don't think it would be okay for me to just share this place with Soyeon since it is mine to share in the first place. Besides, I'm sure she would want to see it for herself if I told her about it and so decide to just keep it to myself. 

"It's a secret," I end up saying. 

Soyeon doesn't think much about my response and doesn't push the topic further again. 

"By the way, I think Emily is seeing someone," Soyeon informed me.

"What!" I choke a bit on my food. "What makes you say so?" I ask. 

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