𝟺𝟷- ᴛʜᴇ "ɪɴ-ʟᴀᴡs" ᴘᴛ𝟸

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I spent most of the afternoon just lying down on the bed in my room, wasting time on my phone. I regret not bringing my laptop with me to help kill time but it wasn't as if I had known this situation would occur. 

His mother didn't disturb us either since she clearly thinks we are spending our time together. Little did she know. 

All I can think of right now is how I am going to get through the rest of the trip. Right now I feel insanely alone, especially in this gigantic mansion, with absolutely no one on my side. 

Yet the worst part of it all is that I know this situation between Seungcheol and I right now is my fault. I just cannot get the look of his hurt face and his cold stance out of my head, especially how he was refusing to look at me at the end, almost as if looking at me will injure his feelings even more. 

I don't even know whether I should go apologize to him or just let him come to me first and go with the flow because I have a strong feeling he will just turn me away if I knock at his door. 

Underneath considering all of this, I even had to comfort my own hurt feelings. What Seungcheol had said earlier, about not being able to trust or love someone again after Mari had left him without any trace, just hit me a bit too hard. 

Honestly, I feel like crying but somehow I have been managing myself to stay okay. Even at the beginning of our relationship I had liked him more and even now, after all these months, it is clear he will never feel the way I do about him. I really don't know how to go forward from this anymore. 

I suddenly miss my mom. I could do with one of her hugs right now. 

The room they have gracefully given me is so large that it is making me feel even more lonely. Unlike Seungcheol's, however, I do not have a large television set or a balcony to step put for fresh air so really I am just stuck inside. I could go out of my room and explore around the house by myself but i am too afraid of getting lost and not being able to find my way back. Besides, I am not in the mood to run into one of Seungcheol's family members. 

Thinking of family members, it hits me that I still haven't met his father, brother and his grandmother. 

Groaning,  I remember that I still need to attend the birthday dinner for his mother tonight. It is only family and me tonight and he has told me earlier to wear semi-formal attire at the dinner, which confused me because why would you wear formal clothing for a dinner at your own house? 

Clearly things do run very differently around here. 

I walk over to my luggage and decide to at least prepare my attire for tonight. I don't know when dinner is served but I'm guessing soon considering how it is six thirty in the evening right now. 

I had packed a simple navy blue dress for tonight's dinner alongside some skin colored stockings to be finally paired with diamond studs for the piercings. It is a simple look yet a classy look and I know I would not be either underdressed nor overdressed in this. 

Deciding to just change and get ready before lying down back on the bed, I go into the washroom to change into the navy blue dress and the stockings before pulling out my makeup kit and touching up on my makeup. 

I tried to keep my attire and looks as natural as possible because, even though it is a stereotypical thought, going natural faced is the best way to impress elders. 

I had just finished getting ready for the dinner when I hear a knock on my door. The only I had to do was re-apply some clear lipgloss and with it in my hand, I step out of the bathroom and say, "Come in."

Perhaps it is one of the their numerous housekeepers or servants here to inform me of dinner. I should likely ask them how to actually get to the place as well since I am bound to get lost in this large maze like home. 

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