𝟺𝟾 - ᴏᴏᴘsɪᴇ

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I have been so focused on walking away from the cafeteria that I hadn't even realized that someone had been trying to talk to me. It took two strong arms holding me on either side of my shoulders to break out of stance. 

"Jia," Mingyu says, "I've been calling your name."

I blink. Then shake my head lightly. 

"Oh. . .sorry. . .I didn't realize," I say. 

Mingyu takes his arms off of me and says, "It's okay. Where were you? You weren't in class."

"Oh that. Yeah, I was in...I had to do something important," I say, "and by the time I got free, class was about to end so I thought I might as well don't end up going."

Mingyu didn't say anything back. I don't think he knew what to really say. 

"Well. . .do you want to go to the library later? I can tell you everything you missed," Mingyu offered.

I gave him a small smile and shook my head, "I don't feel too good. I just want to go to my dorm and sleep."

"Why? Is something wrong?" Mingyu asked, concerned. 

"I think its really just the lack of sleep from last night," I tell him. 

"Oh-I see. Uh-rest up then," Mingyu said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. It reminded me of the time we first met, back when Mingyu had dropped his coffee all over me in the shop and kept on apologizing every time he saw me. 

I don't say anything, just step to the side and walk away. 

I fell my phone buzz in the back pocket of my jeans so I stop momentarily to look at it. 

It's a text from Soyeon. 


Where are you? 

Are you ok? 

What's wrong?

Why did you leave suddenly? 

I know I should reply instead of just leaving her on read but I really do not have the energy nor the mood to stand in the sun and text back and forth with Soyeon. I know she's done nothing wrong and she probably doesn't deserve a somewhat silent treatment, but I really cannot be bothered to talk or interact with anyone at the moment. 

Being alone is all I need right now. 

Four Days Later 

"Using the marketing mix introduced in class earlier alongside with the 4P's, your next task is to research on a mid-sized Korean company and introduce their marketing strategy in slides format. You won't have to present however I require this to be due in a week." The professor said. 

I'm currently sitting in my first lecture of the day, listening to the professor explaining our assignment to us. Truth to be told, I wasn't paying any attention until I head the work 'task'. Prior to that, I was busy surfing the Sephora website to order some new makeup. 

I've normally been the student to actually pay attention in class, since its too much energy and work to teach myself the contents later, but lately the atmosphere has been so awkward that I have needing a distraction. 

Seungcheol and Joshua were already there when I had walked into class three days ago, however Seungcheol had switched his seats with Joshua, so that he was not sitting next to me anymore. Hurt and shocked, I asked Nana to switch seats with me as well. The further away, the better. This way I won't be worried about even being distracted by his scent in class. 

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