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The dorm warden looked pissed as she stood in front of us with her hands on her hips. Her eyes are wide with rage and you could see the hard lines on her foreheads as she glared at the three of us. 

"Where were you girls at? Do you even realize the time? It's nearly midnight now," She spoke in a controlled voice yet firmly. 

Neither Soyeon, Emily nor I had anything to say. We don't know what to answer without having to over-explain ourselves. And I highly doubt that is something either of us want to do at the moment. 

I can't help but feel envious of Nana at the moment, whose dorm warden is so easy going that as long as you inform her you will be late, she will let you off the hook easily. Unlike ours who is rather obsessed with rules and deadlines. 

"Does neither of you have anything to say!" She raised her voice at us, clearly our silence only further infuriating her. 

"I'm sorry. It was my fault. I wandered out a bit too far and my phone died. So they came looking for me because they were worried," Emily spoke up, "I should have been mindful of the time. I promise it won't happen again."

The dorm warden continued to look at us as if she is going crucify us with her eyes on the spot. Yet instead she let out a deep sigh and said, "That is highly irresponsible of you Emily. I'm disappointed. This is the first time either of you have broken the rules so I will go easy on you but you will still have to carry out the consequences for not respecting the curfew time. It's late now so go sleep. Come to me at seven thirty tomorrow, we'll discuss the consequences then."

When neither three of us made any move to leave, she said, "Go along now. I don't need you standing here all night."

Clearly dismissed for sure now, Soyeon, Emily and. scurried our way towards the stairs, climbing it silently. Normally I would have pissed for having gotten in trouble for someone else's mistake but I can't help but not feel anything today. 

As we reach my room first, I put my hand on the door handle and momentarily look back, saying, "Good night."

I'm not too sure if they said anything back but when I enter the room Yewon unnie is standing in front of her closet. She looks up at the sound of the door opening and upon seeing me, she looks at the wall clock and says, "Oh, you're back. Aren't you a bit late."

"Yes...we got a bit sidetracked," I answer, not really in the mood of doing any further explaining thought I am sure she doesn't really care either. 

"Do you even study anymore?" Yewon unnie suddenly asked. 


She looks at me, picking up a pink blouse from her closet and said, "I mean, I rarely see you study in the room anymore these days. I was wondering if you're taking less classes or something."

"Oh...no-I just go to library instead these days," I say, "I normally just study with Mingyu."

Realizing that she might not know who Mingyu is, I speak to explain, "Mingyu is my classma-"

"I know who Mingyu is," She cuts me off, "It's a bit hard not to know a guy that tall and good looking. You've really hit it with guys this year."

"I'm sorry?" I say, confused. 

Yewon unnie looks at me bewilderment and says, "Don't act like you don't know. You're dating the richest and the most popular guy in our university and now you have one of the other really popular guys wrapped around your finger. You know people are envious of you, right? I hear them talk about you in class sometimes."

"But Mingyu is my friend," I clarify, my forehead creasing together. 

"You don't believe that, do you?" She said, barely looking up from sorting out her cupboard.

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