𝟸𝟶 - ᴄʜᴇᴇʀʟᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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"Thank You,"  I tell Vernon as he handed over my morning coffee to me, taking it in one hand and my card back from the other. 

Walking out of the coffee shop with my coffee in my hand , I make my way towards class. Unfortunately I overslept, sleeping over my alarms, and ended up missing my second period class, also my first in the day. 

By the time I had woken up, it was already half way through the second period so I just decided to get dressed and get ready for my next class, seeing how it isn't worth it to even try and instead make it for my other class. It would just be awkward to walk into the classroom when the lecture is right about to end. 

Since most people are sitting in their lectures right now, the campus is pretty deserted outdoors with only a few people lazing around on our humongous lawn outside, taking advantage of the warming weather and the soaking in the sun, getting that tan ready for the summer. 

Climbing up the white stairs to the main building of our University campus, where my lecture is being held, I turn around the corner when I reach the top only to nearly run into someone. 

"Oof," I let out as I narrowly prevent myself from making any collisions and successfully managing to not let my coffee overspill or drop to the ground. 

Strong arms grab me, as if to stabilize me and keep me from falling on them, while keeping me at a safe distance form then. 

I blink a couple of times, looking up as I say, "Sorry, I wasn't looki-Mingyu?"

Mingyu raised his eyebrows as if to say 'finally' while his face remained neutral of any other expressions and he removed his arms from my side. 

"It's you," I say. 

"It's me," Mingyu confirmed. 

"What are you doing not in class?" I ask, noting that our lecture timing has yet to be dismissed. 

"It ended early," Mingyu told me, "I noticed you weren't in class today."

"I overslept," I explain and noticing that Mingyu seemed to be in a bit of a rush, asked "Were you going somewhere?"

Mingyu briefly looked behind me, which is easy for him since he is so much taller,  and curiosity made me turn my neck around to see what was behind me as well. I was expecting to see a person or a thing that had caught Mingyu's attention but I see no such thing in sight and turn myself back to facing Mingyu. 

"No where," Mingyu answered, "Are you going to the lecture already?" 

I nod my head and say, "Yeah, I was headed that way." 

"Come on. Let's go together," Mingyu told me stepping to the side to give me space so we can walk side by side together. 

"How was your weekend?" Mingyu asked me as we fell into step with one another. 

I shrug my shoulders and say, "It was normal. Just like any other weekend. Didn't you go out with your friends to the nearby canyons?"

Mingyu gave me a curious side look and said, "How do you know?" 

"Miyeon had told me last week. Besides, I kept seeing pictures of it on all of your Instagram stories. Stuff like this always ends up on social media," I remind him. 

"Of course it does," Mingyu said, "You know actually while we were there, we all thought that we should have invited you. We just didn't think of it earlier?" 

"invite me?" I ask in higher pitch. The confusion on my face and in my voice probably couldn't be more obvious. Why would I be invited to a weekend out with his exclusive group?

The Coffee Shop (Scoups)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora