𝟷𝟼 - ʜᴇʏ

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"That's so beautiful," I say as I peak over Mingyu's shoulder, looking over at his camera.

"And this one I took last year when I visited gangwon-do for a trip with my family," Mingyu told me as he switched to the next photo.

"Wow. . .you are really talented Mingyu," I say, leaning away.

"Oh no," Mingyu blushed slightly as he put his camera down, "I still have areas to improve."

"I don't know what you are talking about but you already are amazing," I tell him, shaking my head at his poor confidence in himself and opening up my laptop, "So what's your plan after graduating university then? Are you going to become a professional photographer?"

Mingyu nodded and said, "I can't just become a professional photographer right away. I'm planning on applying to this special photography course. It takes you to northern africa and we will get the opportunity to do some real life wilderness and scenery photography. It'll be a great learning opportunity."

I pursued my lips as I thought of something. "Can't you just apply to it directly? Why are you wasting your time in university?" I asked him.

"It's costly. I-uh-I don't really come from an extremely well off family like most people here. I'm trying my best to gather as much money as I can in four years so I can hopefully pay for the photography course entirely by myself. I don't want to burden my parents either," Mingyu revealed, "Besides, my dad thinks its a good idea to have a bachelor's degree just as a backup. In case photography never works out for me."

"Well, I know it'll work out for you," I tell him, "Those photos are crazy good."

Mingyu smiled at the compliment and said, "Thanks. We should start getting to the classwork now. We've wasted so much time now."

"It was a good waste of time," I tell him but open up my notebook at the same time.

Mingyu and I are in the same Media Studies class and so decided to pair up together for the class project. Mingyu is hardworking and intelligent as well as diligent and punctual, despite his clumsiness. Although I haven't really admitted this to anyone else, Mingyu's facial and physical visuals definitely made him my type, not to mention he does sound like the perfect boyfriend material, however his clumsy and puppy like personality only makes me view him as a good friend.

"Hey. . .do you like taking pictures of people?" I suddenly ask him.

"People?" Mingyu gave me a side glance.

"Yeah, I noticed your camera roll is only filled with wilderness and scenic shots. Not much humans in there."

"I do. Why?" Mingyu asked.

"Just wondering. In case I ever need someone to take my photos for free," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Who said I'd take your pictures for free?" Mingyu said, sounding slightly offended.

"That's what friends are for," I say, taking a sip of my coffee, "If we don't give each free things, then who will?"

Mingyu didn't say anything for a few seconds and then smiled, saying, "So. . .we're friends now?"

I paused a bit, realizing the two of us never really put a label to whatever it is we are.

"Of course," I finally speak, "Do you think I would spend this much time with someone who isn't my friend. I see you more than I even see my actual friends."

Mingyu smiled at then stole a chocolate from me and said, "Alright friend. We'll see later about that free photoshop."

"Hey stop being unfai-"

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