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"One iced vanilla latte and I want an avocado sandwich with it today," I order at the cashier.

Vernon jabbed it in the machine and said, "That's a new order."

I just hum in reply.

"By the way, your today's order is a gift," Vernon answered.

I frown at this and ask, "What?"

"You don't have to pay. Anything you order for today will be paid for you as a gift," Vernon tells me.

I frown even deeper and ask, "By who?"

Surely it couldn't be Soyeon. There is no way she grew this generous overnight. The Soyeon I know is not mature enough to pull a stunt like this. 

"I'm not supposed to tell," Vernon said, "But I was told to give this note to you."

Vernon picked picked out a squared yellow post-it-note from the side and handed it to me.

I took it from his hand in curiosity and read the contents of the note.

Have a good day! Fighting! And I'm sorry for everything.

I frown.

The note doesn't have a name signed underneath it and I don't recognize the handwriting either.

It's definitely not Soyeon or Emily or Nana. It also isn't Mingyu either since his handwriting is far too clumsy to be read by normal eyes. Then again, I won't be surprised if it is reallyMingyu. He did nearly make me trip yesterday in class but it isn't something to feel so sorry for that he would end up buying me coffee.

I looked at Vernon and raised an eyebrow, "What is the meaning of this."

Vernon shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know man. I'm just the middle person."

I bit my tongue, contemplating what to do.

If it really is Mingyu or Soyeon, maybe I'll just pay them later and let them have a momentarily satisfaction for now. 

Almost as it is in the movies, I suddenly became aware that I was being watched. It was the same old classic feeling of having two imaginary eyes burn holes in your back as you stand across the room, becoming conscious of the fact that I am being watched.

I turn around as naturally as I can, desperate to catch my stalker, or well, whoever it is that is burning eyesight into me. 

It wasn't that difficult.

I notice Seungcheol right away, sitting at one of the tables in the middle of the coffee shop all alone as he intently stared right at me. He wasn't even wearing a mask or a cap and is wearing bright clothes to cover himself up, which could probably be spotted from a mile away.

I scoff. What a shameless guy.

It doesn't take me any longer to figure out who sent me the note and for what reason too.

He could have at least tried to have hid himself if he wanted to be anonymous. Besides, who even gives out anonymous apologizes these days? We're not in some sort of romantic melodrama movie. Why did he even bother apologizing if he is going to half-ass it.

Does he think I am just another daft and dumb fangirl that will fall for everything he does. Yes, I  am still physically attracted to him but I also have my own pride and ego to protect and I am not willing to stoop so down so low for him that he expects me to melt after a stupid apology. 

I turn back towards Vernon and slam down my card on the counter.

"Bill my order with this card and can you please give me a pen?" I ask of Vernon.

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