𝟾 - ʀᴀɪɴ, ʀᴀɪɴ. . .ɢᴏ ᴀᴡᴀʏ

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After giving Nana a piece of my brain when I saw her later in the day, I headed towards the coffee shop where I'm supposed to meet Soyeon and Emily. Nana is usually with me too but today she felt like ditching, most likely due to me being pissed at her. 

However even talking to Soyeon and Emily couldn't cheer me up. I just couldn't seem to get the mental load of having to have another interaction with Seungcheol out of my brain and so I left our small chit-chat session early and head out to the library to study. 

The envelope the professor had handed me was still in my bag. I had figured I would just hand it over to him next class day after tomorrow.

Where else am I supposed to track him down on he campus? Till then, I would just have to keep it by myself and keep my curiosity in check about what it is. The envelop certainly didn't seem like it had anything to do with class. 

After around seven I decide to pack up and leave, having studying for nearly some four hours, my stomach growling with hunger.

Wrapping my scarf around my neck, I clean away the area I had been occupying previously. The sun had already long set and the sky is now pitch black. 

As I stepped out of the library, I spot the soccer team leaving the gym from their practice, which is located in front of the library. Initially I don't pay much attention to this, since I see the soccer team leaving the gym every time I leave the library late, but then my eyes quickly spot Seungcheol walking at the back of the group with Jeonghan, the duo laughing at something.

As the team descends down the gymnasium stairs, I notice that while I the entire team is headed one way, Seungcheol diverts away and heads in the other direction all alone, saying something to Jeonghan who only nodded at him. 

That is when my brain lit up.

I could just go and give him the envelope right now and save myself from public confrontation by giving it in class in front of a whole audience and seeing how nice Seungcheol has been to me in private, it will surely make things easier as well. 

I am a genius.

I climbed down the library stairs and began walking towards the direction Seungcheol went into, feeling a few drops of rain on my skin while I wince in pain.

I am wearing this pretty pair of heeled boots yet they are not the ideal shoes for long term wear and were starting to bite into my skin as I walked. The run I had this early morning with Emily also left my feet feeling pretty sore and if I don't take my boots off soon then I'm sure I'll be left with some blisters on my foot.

Still, I am determined to give this envelope to Seungcheol right now, even if it felt like my heart was racing at a thousand beats per minutes.

Seungcheol had disappeared into the side of the gymnasium, somewhere near the bushes and wasn't visible openly. Yet I had luckily seen which direction he had gone into so I trusted my gut instinct and followed him there.

Deciding to pull out the envelope while I was walking there, I fling my bag forward, searching for the envelope inside it.

Without even realizing, however, I turn left, in the direction Seungcheol had previously walked towards and next thing I hear is a very loud and irritated, "Seriously?"

I startle, stopping where I am and look up to see a very irritated Seungcheol standing in front of me.

Seungcheol lets out what sounds like an angered sigh and closed his eyes as if he were in pain.

He turned towards me and said rather calmly, "Look. I get it. You like me. But please, you need to understand that I do not like you back or ever will. You need to stop following me everywhere. First the coffee shop, then the laundromat, the library on Saturday, and then the party and now this. You have to understand by doing this you're only making me more uncomfortable and unsafe. It's seriously starting to feel like I have a stalker and it's getting really irritating not being able to go anywhere without you showing up there. Listen, you need to snap out of it and step into reality. Why don't you open our eyes and logic and why don't we both go our own ways? "

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