𝟸𝟾 - ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴏғ ᴜs

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I wake up to us driving along the coastline. 

I hadn't even realized  when I dozed off but clearly it has been a while since the sky was still dark with dawn when we had left and now it is well high in the sky. 

I look to my left to see Seungcheol is still driving , his left hand is casually resting on the windowsill while his right is concentrated on the wheel. 

"Did I fall asleep?" I ask, attracting attention towards myself as Seungcheol looks to me briefly before concentrating back to the road. 

"You woke up?" Seungcheol stated. 

"How long was I asleep?" I ask him, sitting straight in my seat as I had slid down while I slept soundly. 

"Not that long," Seungcheol said.

"You should have woken me up. What if you had fallen asleep too?" I say. Everyone knows it is the unspoken rule of driving that the person sitting in the passenger seat cannot fall asleep, in case it makes the driver sleepy as well. 

"You looked peaceful. And besides, I drank coffee earlier so it was okay," Seungcheol said. 

I had slept pretty late last night since I stayed awake to pack. Even though we are only going away for two days, I had absolutely no idea what to pack since I do not know where we going and what to pack appropriately for it. So I just ended up packing two extra pairs of clothes, one pretty dress, one pajamas but the good ones, and one heels and sandals. 

One needs to be prepared for all scenarios.

"Where are we?" I ask him, not recognizing the area around us. 

"Offshore of Sokcho" Seungcheol answers. 

"We're going to the beach?" I ask, feeling as if I hit jackpot. 

"No no. We're not going to the beach," He said, and then explaining more when he looked at my expression, "It's someplace more private and prettier." 

"Prettier?" I ask him, momentarily taking my attention away from the beautiful scenery outside and looking at Seungcheol. 

"Prettier," Seungcheol confirmed, "I know you will like it. . .well. . .I hope you like it."

I smile, knowing that I will definitely love anything Seungcheol plans for me. As weird as it sounds, it feels like Seungcheol already is one of those few people who know me the best despite only being together for three months. And even in these three months, we have been apart from each other for half a month. 

When you start dating someone who you really genuinely like, you end up spending so much time studying their habits, their likes and dislikes, their pet peeves and so much more, that it is just natural for two individuals to become each others best friend. 

"Do you want me to drive now? Are you tired?" I offer and Seungcheol shakes his head and says, "No, its alright. We're nearly here anyways."

True to his word, Seungcheol soon made an off-track turn into a tiny trail like path in the woods and we began a rocky ride for a couple of minutes before coming in front of two large gates. 

Seungcheol simply stuck his left hand out his window and the gates opened up and he pulled into a small open clearing. He parked the car irregularly in the middle of the clearing and turned off the engine, releasing his seatbelt. 

Looking at me with a sparkle in his eye, Seungcheol said, "Let's go?"

I am confused but nevertheless release my seatbelt and get out of the car as well. Seungcheol is already grabbing my purse from the back seat when a man who looks in his thirties approach us. 

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