Part 48

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The twins were absolutely ecstatic that I came home. They missed me and I missed them. I wanted to stay home more than anything, but I really needed to go check on Harry. Who knows if he okay.

Once Remus got home from job hunting, I handed the twins care off to him.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," I say kissing Reggie and Leo on the head.

I apparate outside of Harry's aunt and uncles house. Harry plays outside with his cousin. Well I wouldn't excatly say that it is playing, its more like Harry's cousin is bullying him.

"Dudley bear!" Petunia calls from inside the house. "I have cake for you!"

Dudley lights up at this. He pushes Harry to the ground running into the house, he slams the door behind him.
Harry slowly rises to his feet, rubbing his elbow. He must've hit it when Dudley pushed him over.

He moves towards the house, but I call out to stop him. He looks down the street towards me. What was I doing?

"Hey," I say bending down, still standing where I was. "Come here."

Harry is very hesitant at first, which is a good sign. Means that he is smart, not trusting ever person that tells him to come to him. Though he shouldn't be looking at me as a stranger. I should be Auntie Lottie.

"I promise it's okay," I say giving Harry a smile.

He smiles back at me and slowly walking over to me. His hair was finally growing in, in fact its starting to look like James's a little. But his eyes, those eyes are Lily’s.

"Hi," I say when he finally makes it over to me.

"Hi," he responds a little shyly.

"I saw you fall," I say. "Are you okay?"

"Yup," he says with an adorable nod.

"My name is Layla," I say. "But my friends call me Lottie. We're friends right?"

"I don't know you," Harry said. My heart breaks a little.

"You're right," I say. "You shouldn't talk to strangers."

I rack my brain for something to say. Something that could possibly cheer Harry up. He says he is okay, but my instincts are telling me that he really isn't.

"Wanna see a trick?" I ask him. His eyes light up and gives a happy nod.

I put my hand behind my back. I close my hand into a fist. Thinking about what excatly I wanted to give to Harry. Once I feel the charm work, I hold the item out in front of Harry.

"Whoa," he says with a giggle. "What is it?"

"This," I say handing it to him. "Is an otter. Maybe you could name it Lottie?"

Harry just smiles up at me, a glimmer of hope shines through. I can tell that this really helped his day, and hopefully his stupid cousin doesn't steal it from him.

"You should get going," I say. "But Harry, if you ever need anything, I'll be there."

He just stares at the otter, ignoring what else I have to say. He gives me a smile before running back towards the house.

One day he will understand everything. At least I hope.

Dear Sirius...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt