Part 45

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Four years earlier

I stand in the kitchen, making Sirius and I breakfast before we start the day. I believe we have an order meeting tonight. Hopefully this meeting can go better than the other ones.

"Good morning darling," Sirius said walking into the kitchen.

"Morning," I responded.

Sirius comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

"Stop, I’m making breakfast," I said with a laugh.

"I see that," he responds.

"Would you just go get the newspaper?" I ask pushing him away.

He laughs but goes to the door to grab the Daily Prophet.

"Lily?" I hear Sirius say surprised. "James? What happened?"

"Where's Layla?" Lily asks.

"Kitchen," Sirius answered. "James what's going on?"

I wipe my hands on the nearest cloth. Lily quickly makes her way into the kitchen, James and Sirius following close behind. Though someone is missing.

"Where's Harry?" I ask in panic.

"He is with Peter," James answers.

"Did something happen to him?" Sirius asks, panic in his voice.

"No," Lily quickly said. "Harry is safe."

"Then what is it?" I ask.

Lily walks closer to me, tears starting to line her eyes.

"Lottie," she whispers, "Marlene and her family are dead."

The air in my lungs quickly leaves. Everything seems to disappear. I'm standing in a dark room with Lily standing in front of me. I can't hear her speaking.

"Layla?" Sirius’s faint voice echoes through my head.

Everything comes back to me. I'm standing in my kitchen, everyone stares at me in worry, tears falling from Lily’s eyes.

"She can't possibly be dead," I say.

"Voldemort's followers attacked at night. They killed everyone," James said.

"But I saw her yesterday," I said, backing away from everyone. "She isn't dead."

"Mad-eye found their bodies," James stated.

I look at Lily, her eyes say it all. They really are dead. She wouldn't have come here if there was a slight possibility of them being alive...

I run into her arms, we both sink to the floor sobbing. We lost our best friend, or other half. We should've known this was going to happen, but never in my imagination would I have thought it would've happened to us.

I felt two more pairs of arms wrap around Lily and I. Together all four of us sobbed on the kitchen floor.

Dear Sirius...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum