fairy dust.

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"Is she okay?" Peter asked as he leaned back causally in the diner booth, his bandaged finger resting on the vinyl.

Halloween decorations decorated the walls. A mixture of jack-o'-lanterns, dancing skeletons and flying bats, all accented by the storm candles lighting up the room. Peter was sure they would probably be a hit with Linda's patrons, if the diner had power and could officially open its doors for the day. But alas, health and safety was a bitch and Linda liked the place too much to jeopardize her licence. 

However, the circumstances didn't seem to deter Linda completely, as she was delighted to host a small private party with cold cut sandwiches and coffee brewed using a blowtorch. Linda was a crafty woman and today, they were all just friends having a bit of a late lunch, practically dinner, while they waited out the town black out.

Delilah was currently behind the counter, stuck between the milkshake mixer and the rotating pie display, helping her cut up vegetables from her shipment earlier in the week as Lina scolded her for their elopement. She wanted a big wedding, with all the bells in whistles. 

Delilah only smiled softly at the older woman as she showed her her the new ring on her finger and told her about their time away.

"She's having nightmares," Derek told his uncle when he finally tore his eyes away from his wife. "And she might be sleep walking."

Peter hummed and took a sip of coffee. He suspected as much. 

"When is she called back to the hospital?" Peter asked with a curious note.

Derek dragged a hand down his face before crossing his arms on the table.

"She's on stress leave right now. But I know she wants to go back sooner rather than later."

Peter hummed again. "Probably for the best that she takes it easy."

Both men fell into a sudden silence. Derek chewed on his lip as he thought of the foot prints he had cleaned off the floor just before they left. He told Delilah they would figure it out but he had no idea where to start.

Delilah broke his train of thought as she came over with a tray held in one hand and placed an assortment of sandwiches down.

"Now nod if you agree Derek, but I think the wait staff here sure got really good looking," Peter winked at Delilah, hoping to lighten her mood.

Delilah flicked her long hair over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out at the man.

"As if, you're a little bit too old for me sweet cheeks." Peter gave her a mock wounded look.

"Now, you on the other hand, sugar lips," Delilah said as she leaned against the table with a pop of her hip to look at Derek, "might get my number written on the back of your receipt." She leaned in close to whisper into his ear. "But don't tell my husband, he is a very, very jealous man."

Derek pulled Delilah into the booth by her waist and laid a smacking kiss on her lips. "I won't tell him, if you don't?"

"You too are incorrigible." Peter sighed as he pulled a sandwich towards himself.

"Oh hush," Linda said as she sat down next to Peter with an overly dramatic sigh. She waved her hand in Peter's face to test if he was blind and then gestured to the couple. "Can't you tell the two are just stupid in love? Let them be."

Linda nodded. "Go on Derek, kiss the dickens out of your wife."

Delilah laughed into Derek's neck  especially when she saw the blush rising on his face.

"Yeah Derek, kiss the dickens out of your wife," she gave him a suggestive eyebrow raised.

"I'll do a lot more than that," he muttered as he helped Delilah settle comfortably next him with a kiss to the top of her head.

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