lending a hand.

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Delilah snuck into the kitchen with her arm still in its sling. Her shoulder was healing nicely and she couldn't wait to be free of the horrid thing. Derek knew when ever she was even thinking of removing it. It didn't matter where she was in the house, he would always be right behind her with a distracting kiss as he secured the strap. 

She couldn't wait to feel like herself again. Between the medication that made her perpetually drowsy and the dull ache that was ever present below the healing bullet wound, she was done with this nonsense. Besides, she just wanted to get back to work and knew Melissa, no matter how much he begged, wouldn't clear her until she was fully ready.

For now she was stuck at home, sorting through more of the books she had yet to conquer.

Delilah walked slowly on the balls of her feet, trying to keep her sounds as soft as possible. She was on a mission for caffeine and was intent on getting her hands on any, no matter what Derek said. Melissa, much to Delilah's horror, had given him a list of requirements to help her heal faster and at the very stop she had written no caffeine.

Delilah couldn't understand why her friend wanted to torture her and at this point she was done with this ridiculous ban. She knew Derek was currently out and right now she was going to take advantage of having the house all to her own.

Rummaging through the cupboards, Delilah searched for her precious coffee beans. Derek had obviously moved them from their usually spot, knowing she would probably sniff them out when he left her alone for longer than 5 minutes. Unable to find any, she debated on checking the top shelves, just out of her reach. Just as she was about to climb on the counter she heard a throat clear behind her.

"I'm not sure how happy Melissa would be if she caught you trying to climb with your shoulder?"

Delilah whipped around to look at Derek. "She can kiss my ass."

Derek couldn't help but laugh at her sour look. If she were a few feet smaller, he would swear he was looking at a disgruntled toddler, on the verge of a tantrum. 

"Don't be too hard on her, Lilah, she just cleared you for caffeine with your new medication."

Delilah noticed he was holding two takeaway coffee cups in his hand. Extending one to her, Delilah jumped from her spot and ripped the cup out of his hand. Taking a sip, Derek watched as Delilah happily sighed.

"The world is right again," she smiled.

"I can see that. Come, let's go sit outside."

Delilah followed Derek outside and took her place next him on the porch swing. He pulled her into his side and kissed the top of her head.

"I gave Jackson the bite."

"I figured you would, especially after being such an ass to him. A nice 'I'm sorry' nip, sounds like an excellent way to apologize."

"Well he's an ass in general. But I think he might have some real potential, the kid has drive."

Delilah hummed in agreeance as she waited for him to continue.

"I think I found my next candidate."

Sipping her coffee, Delilah rested her legs across Derek's lap, waiting for him to continue.

"Do you remember when we visited the graveyard?"

She nodded.

"There was the man and his son who prepared Laura's grave. The man was nice but cold and his son, he smelled of only anxiety and fear. He had a healing bruise across his face but he walked with a slight limp, as if he had an injury to side. It wasn't overly noticeable but his face would twitch when he leaned to the side." Stopping Derek blew out a low breath, "his father had fresh wounds on his knuckles."

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