good and safe.

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"Mom!" Issac called as Derek and Delilah walked down the train station steps hand in hand. Derek had a large takeout bag clutched in his opposite fist as he ran his thumb across Delilah's knuckles. "I did it!"

"What did you do?" She asked with a smile as Issac pulled her away from Derek and into a hug that swung her around in a circle.

"I found my anchor."

"You did?" She beamed with pride. Delilah looked over at Derek to see a large smile across his face as well. He shook his head in confirmation and she mouthed a proud 'oh my god' to him.

Issac puffed his chest out while Boyd and Erica looked on annoyed. It was obvious they hadn't had as good a night as their fellow pack mate.

"Yep." he nodded again.

"Well you can tell me all about after everyone eats."

Derek placed the bag down and started to unpack the diner food they had picked up from Libby's. Linda was beyond excited to see the couple and ensured there were extra biscuits thrown into their order for the teenagers.

Boyd helped Derek hand out burgers and smiled when Delilah pulled out a set of onion rings that had his name written specifically written on it. Delilah always knew how to make everyone feel special.

"Erica, come here so I can fix your hair."

The girl sat between her legs as Delilah undid her braid from the previous night. Erica was happy Delilah had tied it back as it most definitely would have been tangled through the night as she tried to control her pull to the moon.

"How was it?" Delilah asked as she combed her hands through her hair and massaged her temples where the headband ground into her skull. She assumed these spots would be tender and hoped to ease some of the pain.

"Different. Painful. Exhilarating."

Delilah smiled as she kissed the top of her head. "And I bet you handled it like a bad ass."

"Why do you smell like smoke?" Erica asked as she grabbed a strand of Delilah's hair that fell across her face. She inhaled deeply.

Derek growled from across the room, causing Erica to quickly drop her hand.

"It's okay," Delilah said as she made eye contact with Derek over Erica's shoulder. She gave him a warning look. Turning back to Erica she pulled the girl into a hug that made her giggle. "We will talk after we eat. I know you're hungry, I can hear your stomach growl from here."

Erica nodded and moved to sit down next to Boyd who offered her one of his onion rings. Erica beamed at the present and Issac glared from his spot next to glare as he wasn't offered one. 

Delilah moved to Derek's other side and he quickly placed her between his legs so she could rest her back against his chest. Offering her the tea he had brought in her travel mug, she smiled and leaned up to kiss his chin.

The betas were exhausted but happy they had made in through their first moon together as they looked at the food spread out in front of them. Derek nodded and they quickly began to devour their food. 

Delilah took note of how quickly they ate. She would need to have lots of food on hand for the next full moon so no one felt left out.

Derek snuck his arm across her chest has he rested his head on her shoulder. He didn't mind the diner food but he much preferred when Delilah cooked or they cooked together. He thought everything tasted that much better. Delilah had said it was because it was made with love and he was yet to disagree.

Issac watched the couple and narrowed his eyes as he polished off his container of fries. "Do we even want to know what happened while we were here? And if it's gross then I don't want to hear it."

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