chance meeting.

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Double checking she had her clean set of scrubs to change into once she arrived at the hospital, and the dinner she packaged for both herself and Melissa she began the short drive to the hospital.

Early on in her friendship with the woman she noticed that she would opt for the vending machine or the ghastly bland cafeteria food while on shift. Delilah could completely understand as Melissa continuously worked doubles. Some days Scott would stop by with something but his visits weren't frequent enough to satisfy Delilah's need to ensure the woman was receiving at least one nutritious meal a day. Melissa was always appreciative of Delilah's thoughtfulness. And Delilah only preened at making the woman who she was beginning to see as a mother figure happy.

"There's the daughter I always wanted," Melissa exhaled as Delilah placed the turkey sandwich and salad in front of Melissa at the nursing station.

"Just looking out for my favourite Mama bear. Are you excited to see Scott play his first game on Saturday?"

Melissa looked up from the sandwich she was currently consuming and after swallowing her bite, "Yes, I am! I honestly never thought I would see him play you know with the asthma and everything, but I can't say I am complaining. Thank you for taking my Saturday shift so I can go."

"Anytime, a parent as supportive as you shouldn't miss out on her son's debut performance." Melissa smiled happily at Delilah. "I understand Jennifer didn't show today?"

'Yeah, it's a bit strange and she won't answer her phone. I have cases here for you to start with. I'm not sure what to expect tonight as Sheriff Stilinski is putting a curfew in place while they continue to investigate Jane Doe's murder."

The once happy smile slipped from Delilah's face at the mention of the Jane Doe case. She hoped they would find her family soon and give her the closure she deserved. "Sounds good, I better get started then or I will never see the end of this shift." Picking up the different cases, Delilah started to get to work.

Her shift was moving by fairly quickly and even the annoying tasks that Dr. Vandenberg kept throwing her way were tolerable. Moving through her cases, Delilah was now headed to Peter Hale's room to check his vitals. Delilah had not interacted with Peter since she first started in fear that Jennifer would cause her issues while working but with Jennifer out for the day and a Dr. Vandenberg requesting updated vitals, Delilah moved towards Peter's room without fear of repercussions.

"Good evening, Peter." Delilah whispered as she made her way into the room. The nursing aids hadn't yet tucked Peter into bed for the night and he was currently sitting in his chair facing the window as he was when they first met. "I hope you have been well since I saw you last. Not much has gone on here unless you count the Jane Doe investigation. I think Sheriff Stilinski and the rest of his precinct are really concerned as they're putting in a curfew tonight for all of the high school kids."

Delilah gently picked up Peter's wrist and began to count his heart beat. Ensuring it matched the monitor she moved to pull the stethoscope around her neck.

"I'm glad I'm not in high school anymore. A curfew sounds awful, not that I had the biggest social life. I used to have the worst braces. I swear you could see them from space and it didn't help that my hair was super frizzy. I'm glad I got those all sorted before I went to college."

Placing the stethoscope ear tips into her ears, Delilah listened to Peter's steady but slow breathing.

"You sound good today, Peter." Delilah whispered as she made a note on her chart. "I'm going to head out now to give with this to the doctor and will be back soon to give you your medication."

Delilah made a notation on Peter's chart before turning and heading towards the door. Without lifting her head from her notes, Delilah found she had smacked herself into a wall. Wall might not have been the correct term as it was warm, solid and covered in fabric. Delilah lifted her eyes from Peter's chart and went to rub her nose as it took most of the impact but was soon stopped by the sight before her. A tall man, with short black hair and a clean-shaven face was staring down at her with confusion and a slight scowl on his face. His tired bright green eyes looked unsure and before he knew it, his leather covered arms were shooting forward to catch her in case she fell backwards.

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