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CONTENT WARNING: Sexual conduct

Derek watched Delilah drive away, ensure she left the property safely. If he, had it his way, he would have left with her. That way he could protect her better and maybe spend less of his nights perched on her balcony, watching for any more signs of the alpha who was circling her property too often for his comfort.

Delilah's calming and warm presence was beginning to fade from his side and now the panic from the nights previous events was starting to set back in. When did like become some so complicated? Probably when he spilled all of his family secrets to Katie and burned his house down with his family inside.

He didn't want any sort of doubt to take over but couldn't help it, it was in his nature. Derek was not a trusting man, but there was something about Delilah that drew him in. He didn't want to just protector, he wanted to make her happy, make her smile.

The thought of Delilah smiling made the corner of his mouth twitch and a slight blush creep across his nose. And she definitely looked happy as they were wrapped up with each other on the porch swing. 

But what if she turned away when she found out the truth? He didn't think he could handle the rejection, her rejection

He had only known her for little over a month and if he was being honest with himself, her barely knew anything about her. Yes, he knew she liked to cook and bake, she enjoyed working her job as a nurse and she most definitely always had some type of book in hand but he also knew that she generally liked to care for others. She was fiercely loyal to those she loved.

Derek couldn't help but think what she might be like as a wolf but had to quickly quash the idea before it took too deep of a root in his brain. He would be sure this would never be a possibility. Delilah was his and he couldn't risk the chance of ruining her life, not this time, not like Paige.  

Shaking his head, Derek did not want to taint what was possibly the best night of his life with his downward spiral of self-doubt and over protective nature.

Walking further into the darkness of the woods, he focused on the jacket Delilah had returned to him. Part of him wouldn't have been sad if she decided to instead keep it, perhaps hang it amongst her own belongings in her closet. A piece of him that would always have a place in her home. 

He secured the zipper at the front of the jacket, ensuring it would remain closed for his walk home. Lifting the edge of the sleeve to his nose, he inhaled deeply. 

Derek was greeted by the sweetest smell he had ever had the chance to partake in. It was like honey, melded together with violets and rain. After a third deep inhale he froze and his cock became unbearably hard in his pants. This sweetest was Delilah's arousal, recognizing it from their passionate moment earlier in the night. And if it was this strong on the jacket, that would mean she must have worn it when she—

Derek groaned aloud as he rested his arm and head against the nearest tree. Balling his hand into a fist, he clenched his eyes shut and growled deeply in his chest.

His hand began wondered to the front of his pants where he cupped himself harshly. His mind racing with thoughts of Delilah in his jacket. 

Unable to take it anymore, Derek popped the top button on his pants and lowered the zipper. He was far enough into the preserve and it was now late enough into the night that nobody should disturb him, but without complete privacy he knew he would need to be quick.  

Pulling his boxers down slightly, his aching cock sprang into his waiting hand. The angry red tip leaking precum that was threatening to run down the length of his shaft. Spitting into his hand, Derek began to move up and down his cock, imaging the hands touching him were softer and smaller. Lifting the collar of his jacket to his nose, Derek inhaled Delilah's scent and moaned. 

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