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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Spicy Content (as requested)

"So, we just wait?" Issac said as he sat on the kitchen counter and looked out at the water that was now stilled in the room. 

"Seems like it." Boyd shrugged from his spot beside him. The surface was a glassy mirror that reflected the ceiling and their own faces to stare back at them. Now that everything was finished, he couldn't help but think his entire plan could actually work. They'd flooded the room, disabled the circuit interrupter and now all they had to do was wait for the alpha's to arrive.

Issac fiddled with his hands in his lap while he looked at the stairs that lead to the second level. "Do you think mom will come back down with Derek?"

Boyd shook his head no. There was absolutely no way Derek would let her down those stairs, not until everything was over.

"It's probably better of she's up there and out of the way. Haven't you noticed that when ever she is around, Derek has a hard time focusing. Not that, that is a bad thing but we have a plan and Del might.."

"Get in the way?" Issac suggested.

"Not in the literal sense but if Kali is out for her, I don't think Delilah will act as mercifully as she did at the mall."

"You think that was mercy?" Issac whispered. He hadn't seen what she had done in person but apparently it was brutal enough that Derek asked they don't bring it up until she is really ready to talk openly about it.

"I understand she killed him instantly. It was the mauling after that was the over kill."

"I think it has something to do with what she is?"

Boyd sighed. "I don't doubt that for one second."

Issac sat quietly for a moment while he tried to get his thoughts together. "Do you think it's strange that there were no  books on her in the library. I mean, mom's aunt had everything but when it comes to fairies, we really only had the one and it lead to more questions than answers."

"Yeah, I do. Do you think we actually looked through everything?"

Boyd rubbed at his hands. "I mean we must have. We cleared all the shelves?"

Issac let out a long breath. Something was missing, he knew it, but he couldn't seem to put a finger on what it was.

"Where is Erica?" He asked Boyd, to change the subject at least for now.

"With Cora."

"Really?" Issac asked with a skeptical expression. This shocked him more than anything else he had heard today and that was saying a lot looking at the current state of things.

"Yeah," Boyd chuckled. "Once Cora stopped scaring her, they found out they have a lot in common. Mostly sarcasm."

"I kind of find that hard to believe " Issac scoffed.

"Well, you kind of form a special bond when you only trust two people in this world unconditionally."

"Derek and mom?"

Boyd nodded..

"But doesn't she trust you?"

Boyd blushed and a small smile came across his face.

"I hope so," he whispered.

Issac rolled his eyes with a wide grin and punched his friend's arm. "Just make it official with her man."

"I would like to. Maybe after this alpha business is done?"

"Yeah take her back to the movies and I'll make sure you actually get to finish the screening. Or go to the dinner."

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