bells in the air.

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Derek sipped his coffee at the cafe on the bustling downtown street of Beacon Hills. It was decently busy for a weekday afternoon and the passing pedestrians did nothing but make him feel more nervous than he already was. His knee bounced under the patio table causing the cup to rattle against the saucer he placed it down upon.

He didn't even want the coffee but it made him look like less of a lurker as he kept his eyes glued across the street.

Lifting the cup to his lips again, Derek strained his head as he thought he caught sight of Delilah in the store window. He smiled when he realized he was right.

A glass of champagne was balanced delicately in her hand as she took a sip. Her face scrunching up at the bubbles which he knew would cause a tickle to her nose. And right on cue, Delilah reached up to scratch the tip as she tried to hold in a sneeze.

A hand wrapped around her waist from behind and Melissa pointed out something held out to them by a saleswoman. Delilah laughed as she nodded.

Erica could be seen behind the two with binder in hand as she furiously scribbled everything down. Out of the three of then she appeared to be listening to most intently to what was being said as she asked the saleswoman question after question.

If he wanted to he could probably listen in on their conversation but Melissa had warned him strictly against it. After explaining to her how Derek couldn't be away from Delilah due to the bond they had started to form, Melissa compromised that he could wait at the cafe across the street. It was close but not close enough to impede on the dated tradition Erica insisted they uphold of the groom not seeing the dress before the wedding. It apparently was bad luck and Derek didn't want to do anything to jeopardize their relationship.

The empty chair next him scrapped against the concrete, the noise causing him to grit his jaw.

Issac threw his school bag on the ground next to his feet as he plopped into the chair. "Are they almost done?"

"No," he grumbled. "They just started."

Issac rested his head on his fist as he narrowed his eyes at the store across the street.

"How long?"

Derek put his cup down after he had drained the rest of the coffee. His hands fidgeted with the cup handle. 

He shrugged his shoulders and listened to the leather from his jacket creak ."How ever long she wants."

Delilah turned in the window as something caught her eye. Derek frowned when she quickly disappeared from his view.

Issac hummed at Derek's disgruntled face.

"But she knows you're out here right?"

Derek narrowed his stare at Issac. He was at first a bit offended he thought she wouldn't know but he caught the easy smile gracing Issac's face, he knew he was just poking fun at him.

Rolling his eyes he leaned back in the chair. "I would have gone with them but Melissa and Erica said absolutely not."

"You wanted to go wedding dress shopping?"

Derek shrugged. He would go wherever Delilah wanted to go. He felt a soft rumbling in the back of his throat as he caught sight of Delilah again in the window.

"Can I get you a refill?" A waiter asked as he came by with a carafe of coffee.

Derek nodded as his cup was filled again. "And decaf for him if you have it."

"Decaf?" Issac scoffed as the waiter left to get him a cup as well.

"I know you didn't sleep last night. You and Stiles were to interested in researching Celtic rituals-"

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