try it.

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"Issac, you will have to hold really still," Derek said as he stood behind him.

Issac gulped. "Is it going to hurt?"

Derek looked over at Delilah, unsure how to answer his question. "It's not going to be comfortable," Delilah reassured Issac. "Just remember the worst pain is over."

Delilah gestured to Issac's leg as it was now fully healed into a straightened position.

A look of determination crossed his face as he knew what she said was true.

"Are you ready? Just remember to be as calm as possible." Derek asked.

Issac nodded and threw his hand out to Delilah so she could grasp it. He told himself it was to ensure he didn't fall over and not that she would ensure he was safe during this experiment. 

"I am now."

"Okay, here we go."

Derek carefully pierced his claws into Isaac's neck. His eyes fluttered closed as Derek's glazed over in a deep concentrated.

Issac's hand flexed in Delilah's. She felt his claws extend against her skin before his hand went limp.

"You might want to get comfortable." Peter said as he took a seat at the kitchen table. Two fresh coffee mugs were placed in front of him and a news paper was a cross his lap.

"Did you bring your own paper?" Delilah asked. She slowly withdrew her hands from Issac and backed away. The boys were lost in Issac's memories and like Peter said, this could take a while.

"I like to stay current," he shrugged.

Delilah took the seat across from him and she couldn't help but laugh as this kind of reminded her of the last time Peter and her had coffee. Except that was in the Hale house and Peter had technically kidnapped her.

"I'm mad at you, you know," She said as she accepted the cup he pushed towards her. "You can't just not check in, especially for an entire summer."

Peter lowered the paper to look at her with just a hint of a smirk. "Were you worried about me?"

"I was. Derek said you were fine but I like to see things with my own eyes."

Peter placed a hand on his heart, "well, I am flattered you cared."

"Going forward," she indicated to him with her finger outstretched. "I expect you here every Tuesday night for dinner. No if, ands, or buts... you will be in that chair ready to eat when I place dinner down on the table."

"Yes ma'am." He chuckled. He picked up his coffee and looked at her over the rim. "Now, how is the wedding planning going, I trust I'm still on the guest list?"

Delilah sighed, "everything is stalled for now."

"Cold feet?"

Delilah looked at him with an offended scowl. "No, I promised Erica I wouldn't do anything without her."

"That's the female beta, the blonde one, correct?"

Delilah looked over at Derek and Issac. "She's one of the ones we are hoping to find. The alpha pack most likely has her and Boyd. You meet them when you stayed for lasagna."

"Delilah, I need to be frank with you." Peter said as he folded the paper on the table. The headline for the day was discussing highway safety in accordance to new animal behaviour patterns. "You need to stay on alert with this pack. They want something from you. From both you and Derek."

"What would they want from us?"

"Probably a few things."

"You're not going to tell me are you?"

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