good news.

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"Parrish is on what?" Delilah asked as she sat down at Derek's desk. The chair spun beneath her and her free hand instantly clutched her head as she tried to stave off what she thought was to be an oncoming tension headache.


Fire is what she thought she had heard on the phone. Parrish was or is on fire? But she couldn't really tell as the words spoken to her in the rushed, almost frantic tone, were barely comprehensible. 

Her eyes slid to the untouched glass of water placed in front of her as se continued to rub at her head. She would much rather open the amber bottle shoved to the back of the upper kitchen cabinet to deal with what had unfolded so far with their night.

"No, tell me again..." she sighed, her fingers moved to dig into the tender spot at the base of her skull. It did nothing to stop the budding pain. She was already so tired and beyond thankful Derek had made a judgement call before they were to head over to the police station. Home first to eat and change their clothes. They were muddy from their search in the woods and Delilah feared that what ever had effected Satomi's pack could possibly been airborne. Her suspension were confirmed when Derek started to have a minor reaction the longer they stayed in the presence of the fallen pack.

"He's on the Deadpool list," Stiles said over the phone. "And yes, we are just as confused as you are. Didn't Derek already tell you?"

"No, he didn't," Delilah answered as she watched her husband walk back into the room. His hair was still wet from the shower but he looked much better than before. He gave her a lazy smile. "We've been preoccupied with Brett and Satomi's pack."

She rested the phone on her shoulder. 

"Jordan is on the list?" She mouthed to him.

Derek nodded with a disgruntled sigh. 

"No idea what he is..." he grumbled.

He perched himself on the edge of the desk and pulled her hand from where it was still held against the back of her head. His fingers replaced hers and he leaned forward to hear the rest of the call.

Delilah placed the phone back to her ear.

"Well, Parrish freaked out and then immediately wanted to know why he wasn't wanted for more money," Stiles continued. "I mean personally I would be more so concerned with the fact I was on a hit list for supernaturals and didn't even know I was one. I mean who doesn't know that they're not human?"

Derek's hand suddenly stopped and Delilah couldn't ignore the warning growl building in his chest.

"Stiles," Delilah cut in before Derek could snatch the phone from her hand. "Shut up."

There was a pause in the other end of the line. Delilah could almost hear Stiles' thought process as he went over what was just said to her.

"Sorry," his quite voice followed. "I didn't mean anything by that. I wasn't thinking..."

Delilah sighed and covered Derek's hand with her own. She gave it a squeeze, indicating she would like for him to continue. He let out a small huff before following his wife's direction.

"It's okay Stiles," Delilah sighed half from acceptance and half from the movement of Derek's thumb against the base of her skull. Her headache was definitely building. "Did you find out anything else?"


"Stiles..." Delilah growled into the phone, causing Derek's hand to stall again. Her patience for the night was wearing extremely thin.

"Liam is still missing, Scott took off and-"

Derek was on his feet as soon as he heard the front door of the house slam open.

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