it gets better.

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Speaking to Mr. Lahey had Delilah's blood boil. She used her sweetest voice to coerce the older man to allow Issac to do what ever she needed him to do the following evening. And if it wasn't perfect to tell him right away so he could straighten the boy out.

"Someone should straighten you out." She mumbled under her breath after she hung up Derek's phone. She had yet to replace her's after the attack.  

Now that they were back home, Derek was currently organizing papers in what was now his office. They had cleared out the bed and replaced it with a large desk. The walls still covered in books were organized around him, with one shelf directly related to pack building.

Derek currently sat behind the desk reading legal papers having to do with his families estate. There was a lot that had not been dealt with after Laura and Derek left Beacon Hill's to head to New York. As he was now the sole survivor of the family it was his job to finally deal with the Hale Family's legacy.  

Delilah couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if Peter were here with them, if things had turned out different. Delilah and Derek had ensured Peter was listed as a missing person from hospital and from what Delilah could tell from the bits and pieces of hospital gossip she receives from Melissa, it was currently suspected he had run off with Jennifer. If only people knew the truth.

As much as Delilah wanted him to finish his work and knowing how important this was, she was entirely too distracted by the reading glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose. Derek explained that he really only used them when he was reading late at night,  even his enhanced werewolf eyes grew tired when they craved sleep. When he first took them out, he was fairly shy about using them, especially when Delilah uncovered he was an avid reader. Delilah thought he looked very studious with them on and couldn't help but bite her lip as she watched him behind the disk.

 Who would have thought the big bad wolf could look so, soft?

Quickly dashing up stairs she was intent on putting her slowly forming plan into action. She carefully removed her sling from her arm and quickly looked down to hall to ensure Derek wasn't right behind her to scold her for this action. 

Looking in the mirror, she could see that her bruisers were fading. Instead of the deep purple colour they were at the hospital, they were now a faded yellow. Delilah smiled at this as she touched her shoulder. The muscle was still tender from being torn but Melissa had said to ensure her arm was given a chance to move freely for short periods in the day. This ensured fuller movement would be restored to her injured shoulder.

Turning away from her reflection, she changed her outfit from the warm, comfortable pants and sweater she wore to the graveyard, to a short black skirt and white button up top. Opting to not put her sling back on, she hoped she would be able to distract Derek long enough for him to not notice.

Bouncing back down the stairs and  returning to Derek's office, she saw he was still focussed on his reading in front of him. A cute scowl was crossing his face as he flipped the pages over to continue reading.

Delilah lightly knocked on the door frame and Derek looked up, happy to see his girl but confused as to why she changed. Not that she didn't look good. Her skirt brushed the tops of her thigh and her white shirt was buttoned tightly around her chest.

"Mr. Hale,"she said. "I'm so glad you're here. I almost thought you would have changed your office hours."

Derek looked at her confused as he watched her enter the room with a shy look on her face.

"I need your help Mr. Hale. If I don't pass your class then I'll have to take summer school. "

Derek wanted to laugh as he saw her jut out her bottom lip and look at him with innocent eyes.

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