just keep swimming.

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Delilah pushed her hair from her face as she broke the water's surface. The chlorine burned her eyes as she tried to orientate herself. The pool was fairly deep and her legs no where near touched the bottom.

Stiles and Derek were screaming at her as she finally turned to face them in the pool.

"Help me!" Stiles called as she now realized he was holding up Derek's body weight.

"What's wrong with you?" She said as she swam over to Derek and Stiles.

"I'm paralyzed thanks to this idiot."

"Me!? You're the one that threatened me."

Even though Derek's head was almost submerged in the water, he glared dangerously at Stiles.

"Well if you hadn't of pushed me, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

Delilah grabbed Derek's opposite side and threw his arm across her shoulder, helping Stiles support his substantial weight.

"Why do you weigh so much?" Stiles whined as he spit water from his mouth.

"Shut up or I'll -"

"Derek, what is happening? Where's Erica?"

Derek's eyes flickered over to the far corner where Delilah could see a mop of blond hair spread across the floor.

"Oh, God," Delilah said as she kicked her legs frantically to keep Derek above the water.

"I can still hear her heart beat," Derek reassured Delilah. "She was thrown into the wall before It sliced the back of my neck."

Delilah nodded and shut her eyes tightly, not wanting to look at the monster she recognized from last night.

"Hey, we will be okay," Derek tried to reassure her.

"How?" Stiles panted. "We are stuck in the pool trying to stop you from drowning and that thing won't let us leave. We can't tread water forever."

Delilah could tell that Stiles was running out of strength. She wasn't sure how long they had been in the pool but her legs were starting to burn from the constant strain.

"Okay, okay... I don't think I can do this much longer." Stiles side of Derek was slipping further into the water.

Delilah tightened her grip on Derek, not even thinking of letting him go.

"No, no, no. Don't even think about it." Derek frantically answered. He was afraid Stiles would leave and let him sink to the bottom of the pool but he was absolutely terrified Delilah would follow suit and go with him.

" Would you just trust me this once?" Stiles screamed in his face.

"Please stop fighting." Delilah begged with her eyes still shut tight.

Derek's nostrils flared at the boy, annoyed he couldn't scream back at him like he wanted to do.

"I'm the one keeping you alive, okay? Have you noticed that." Stiles continued, trying to keep his voice even.

Derek's eye twitched with annoyance. "Yeah, and when the paralysis wears off, who is gonna be able to fight that thing- you or me?"

Delilah opened her eyes and angrily looked at the other two. "Stiles you don't trust Derek and Derek you don't trust Stiles but we need each other to survive this."

Stiles looked behind him at the ledge of the pool where his cellphone laid.

Understanding hus train of thought, Delilah nodded at Stiles and she gripped Derek's head to turn him to look at her.

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