prettiest thing I've ever seen.

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: spicy, spicy words

Derek could stay like this for hours. Days even. Perhaps the rest of his life.

In fact he could die a peaceful man if he were to pass away right now with Delilah draped on top of him like the most precious thing in the world.

Her hair was splayed across his chest in a chaotic mess that worked better than any blanket he could have pulled up over her naked body.

She was a sleep with small puffs of her breath tickling the underside of his chin and her hand resting over her name inked into his skin. He couldn't blame her as he felt the delicious pull of sleep himself. Like a couple of animals, they had been at it for hours.

Derek let out a deep, content breath and tightened his arm across Delilah's bare waist as his fingers traced lightly over her side. When she inhaled his hand trailed up and when she exhaled, he moved down. It was a beautiful dance as he tried to match her every movement. 

He wanted her as comfortable as possible so she would stay exactly where she was. 

Not that she would want to move in the first place. Delilah was too blissed out with the sheen of sweat covering her body and the even thump of her heart. Sliding away from him was the first thing from her mind.

And that was a perfectly acceptable decision for Derek as he did not want his still hard cock to slip out of her warm heat. He had been there all morning, moving in and out of her like she was the only reason he was grounded to this Earth. Why leave now? 

At this point while Delilah slipped into a heavy sleep, he had lost count of the amount of times he had filled her as she spasmed around him and then milked him dry. 

He did however remember how the first time he had taken her, with her panties pushed to the side and her shirt pulled up over her breasts. Her hands where held in his tight grip above her head as his lips wrapped around the stiff peak of her hardened nipple. She loved the feeling of his tongue dragging across the bud the same way it would when he lapped between her legs. She came with a glorious cry of his name as he stopped himself from ripping the lace of the pretty purple panties that had darkened with the smeared evidence of her arousal. He wanted to keep them intact for as long as he could because the sight of him sliding down her legs in a sticky mess of their combined cum while they stood in front of the bedroom mirror made his balls tighten to an almost painful level.

Delilah let out a light puff of air across his chest as her breathing changed to a slight moan while he reminisced about fucking her senseless. She was still asleep and Derek didn't want to disturb her, not yet at least.

His free hand lifted up to his face and with his eyes closed he inhaled the scent of those same purple panties Delilah had shoved into his mouth as she rode him until he was painting her insides, again.

And that is how they ended up in this position which pleased him greatly. Perhaps if he asked her nicely, begged on his knees while he kissed that particular spot on her hip, she would let them sleep every night with his aching cock resting inside of her.

The thought made him twitch and a dribble of what he knew was their combined cum dripped down his balls and onto the bedding below him.

The feeling was absolutely torturous and like a man possessed, bewitched by his heart and soul, he wanted more.

Delilah moaned again as she exhaled with a breath that blew across the length of his neck. She squirmed against him and like the perfect creature she was, his wife started to gently rock her hips.

Her movements were slow and uncoordinated, as if she were swirling her hips in a dance that only she could follow in her own dreamland.

Derek thought it was adorable.

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