date night.

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It felt like a regular Tuesday evening as Derek chased Scott through the parkade. It was an attempt to train him for the unexpected but the success rate for this activity wasn't looking too high.

 It's not that Scott was a bad kid, an idiot yes, but his heart was usually in the right place (even if he was a hormonal teenage boy). In all honesty Derek really couldn't say much when it came to this, especially with how he had been acting these past few weeks. 

Derek watched as Scott jumped from car to car setting off various alarms as he went. It was a decent idea for a distraction but kind of defeats the purpose in doing so when you can literally see the instigator as they leave large dent trails in the hoods. 

Sticking to the shadows, Derek watched as Scott crouched down next to one of the cars to hide. He sighed as the younger wolf gasped for breath. Perhaps he should make him run through the woods more often, thats how he built up his own stamina.  

Of course, the silence of the garage was broken by the shrill ringing of a cell phone and the panicked movement to shut it off. Derek shook his head and sprang to attack.

It was an amateur move to not have it on silent. Derek always kept his on silent, even if it did have him checking the device constantly threw the day, hoping to see Delilah's name flash across it.

 Derek always kept his on silent, even if it did have him checking the device constantly threw the day, hoping to see Delilah's name flash across it

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Derek was currently lecturing Scott about control when his attention was immediately pulled away by the smell of violets.

"Derek, did I just witness you throwing Scott's phone against the wall?" Delilah asked as she neared the two men. Her arms were full of groceries from the nearby supermarket and although they were heavy, she was more interested in what the hell was going on. Putting her bags down on the ground she crossed her arms and looked at Derek.

"Depends how you look at it," he shrugged sheepishly while Scott looked between the two adults.

"Well, whatever it was, it was not very nice. Scott needs his phone in case his work or his mom calls him." Turning to Scott, she gave the boy a smile. "I have a spare phone at home and will bring it to you tomorrow. I can guarantee this one will not smash." Delilah locked over at Derek who had displeased look on his face.

"Thanks Delilah," Scott smirked at Derek. "Can I take your groceries to your car?"

"That would be great Scott, I am parked on level 2."

Delilah watched as Scott rounded the corner with her groceries before she moved closer to Derek who still looked like someone punched his favourite cat in the face.

"Derek, look at me." He dragged his angry eyes from where Scott disappeared and looked at Delilah. His eyes instantly softened and the corner of his mouth upturned. "Hi." She said as she moved closure to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hi." He said back as he pulled her closer.

"Should I ask what I walked in on? Or why you are hanging out with Scott?"

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