wake up.

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Something didn't feel right tonight. Delilah couldn't put her finger on it but there seemed to be a change in the air. It was an electricity she couldn't place, a change that was causing an outwards ripple effect. Without identifying its origin, she could only feel lost in its waves.

Regardless of the irksome feeling, the hospital halls were quiet, giving her some reprieve from her anxious state. 

Everyone in town once again appeared to be watching the high school lacrosse game and tonight was probably the first time in her life that she actually wished she was joining in with the team spirit.

With tonight being Stiles' first game running first line she knew both Melissa and Noah would be sitting front row and centre, excited to see the spastic boy succeed. She couldn't help but feel jealous of her two friends as they both got to spend their evening cheering on their sons. Delilah was stuck at work and right now she was bored out of her mind.

Picking at her scrub top for invisible lint, Delilah spun from side to side in her desk chair. Perhaps if she looked away from the door, something would happen. Kicking her feet out from the desk, she made a full rotation in the chair. Enjoying the slight thrill the spin gave her she kicked off further away from the table top so she could kick up speed. Closing her eyes, she felt the word around her slip away.

When she opened them again she caught glimpses of red hair and a permeant scowl. Placing her feet back on the floor, Delilah stopped her chair from spinning any further and focussed on the annoyed nurse in front of her.

Jennifer generally had a stick up her ass, but tonight she looked down right furious. Regaining her vision, Delilah tried to offer the woman a smile before standing from her chair. Unfortunately, standing was not in Delilah's best interest as she immediately toppled to the floor.

Jennifer sighed with agitation at the younger nurses antics and watched as she picked herself off the floor. Delilah brushed the dirt from her scrubs and ensured her hair was still in place before tossing her long ponytail over her shoulder.

Jennifer dropped a stack of files onto the desk top and pushed them over to Delilah. "Make yourself useful and finish these."

Delilah knew that Jennifer was pawning her own work off to the newbie and without Melissa there to keep an eye on the woman, Delilah was stuck doing what she said. 

Smiling an inauthentic smile, Delilah enthusiastically nodded, "Anything to help."

Jennifer may think she is making Delilah's shift more miserable but what she didn't know is that Delilah was dying to have something to do.

Leaving without a thank you, Delilah watched as Jennifer disappeared down the hallway that lead to Peter's room. Delilah let out a small huff as she would have probably snuck away to sit with him during the dinner rounds. She liked eating her meals with him. Not only did it allow her to spend time with the slowly healing man but she could provide up dates to Derek on his condition without illegally reading Peter's patient file. Even though Derek was family, it wasn't like he could call the hospital to check on him, especially when he was "on the run".

Picking up Jennifer's files, she settled in for what she knew was going to be a long night.

- - - - -

Derek and Stiles sat in Stiles's jeep in the hospital parking lot. Derek didn't say it but he was nervous. Stiles, with the help of Danny, were able to trace the text message  supposedly from Scott  that was used to lure Allison to the high school the night the alpha attacked Derek. They both believed that the message must have been planned by the alpha as Scott didn't even have his phone activated when they were sent. 

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