family dinner.

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Erica sat perched on the front of Delilah's car in the school parking lot. The wind was starting to pick up as she waited for Issac and she pulled her legs up a little higher to keep herself warm in her thin leather jacket.

She was in her music class when the whole room had erupted with whispers that someone was driving a motorcycle down the hallway. Erica had only been back to school for a short while and knew there were very few people who owned one and figured it was probably something to do with the alpha twins she was warned against.

She sighed figuring what ever happened involved Issac as he wasn't outside to meet her at the car when her class ended. Scott's motorbike was still parking in the lot and judging by the Camaro parked near the school doors, the boys were probably in trouble.

Deciding against running home alone, she adjusted herself on the car and continued to wait for everyone to come out. She had decided this was a better idea than chancing a run in with Cora without anyone around to keep her in check. Derek promised she would be on her best behaviour put that seemed to be a bit of stretch.

Boyd had offered to take her but she knew if he did he would be late for his shift at the rink and she didn't want to get him in trouble.

Erica looked up when she heard the school door swing open and an overly excited Issac spilled put followed by Scott, Derek and Delilah.

Scott headed to his motorbike with his helmet tucked under his arm.

"We will see you at 6, yes?" Delilah called to him. "I know your mom won't be off until 10 but I'll have a plate made up for her when she's home."

Scott nodded as he slipped the helmet on with the visor up and threw his leg over the bike. "Yep, I'm going to Stiles. He's with Deaton now so I'm going to go catch up with him and then we will be there."

"Extend an invite to Deaton," Derek told him as Scott kicked out the stand and balanced the bike.

Scott nodded as Delilah waved goodbye. Derek waited for her to finish as he curled his arm around her shoulder and began walking her in Erica's direction.

"Is everything okay?" she asked.

Delilah looked over at Issac who gave her an uncharacteristically large grin, hoping to remind her how sweet and innocent he was. Derek tried not to laugh at Issac's antics and let out a small snort which prompted Delilah's shoulders to shake. Soon the the three of them were doubled over with laughter. 

Erica looked at Issac with a bit of shock. "So you actually did it?"

"Oh yeah we did." Issac said as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

Delilah had doubled over with the absurdity of the afternoon events and Derek needed to help her up.

"Erica did you know?"

"No, but I heard rumours when I was in class, well more the library since our band teacher never showed up."

Delilah nodded as she slung her arm over Erica's shoulder to give her a side hug. She turned then to face Issac where she tapped his cheek in a sweet gesture. She was glad to see he was okay.

"You're so fucking grounded Issac," she said with a smile. "It's not even funny."

"Mom!" Issac whined when she turned on her heel and handed Erica the keys to her car. Issac wasn't sure when she swiped them from him as he checked his pockets.

"Here Erica," she said. "I know you just got your license and now it's time put it to use. Do you think you'll be okay to drive by yourself?"

Erica clutched the keys close to her with an excited look to her eyes. She wasn't sure if she would ever get to drive, not with her parents gone and their car put into storage. She nodded her head furiously as she sprinted to the car.

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