i trust you.

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Derek stretched in bed as he slowly woke up. He had such a vivid dream while he slept, or at least he thought he did as his mind was still filled with swirling colours and patterns. He just couldn't seem to remember them as he squinted at the morning light pouring through the large window. 

The loft from what he could tell was quiet. Even with the additional sound proofing he could determine Issac was still slept in his room. Derek let out a long breath as he concentrated to hear the boy's steady breathing. There was a slight wheeze to his exhale that he did not like as it meant one of his ribs might not have healed properly.  He made a mental note to mention it to Delilah when they would eventually check in on him.


Derek immediately reached out for his girl and groaned happily as she curled further into him.

He yawned as he shook the slumber from his eyes. He had slept well and he wanted to credit that to the previous nights actions or at least the woman who continued to breath softly into his neck. The small puffs of air rose goose bumps across his skin.

Derek leaned his head back into his pillow and smiled as Delilah, who was of course awake, began to lightly trace her name on his chest. The skin had already healed, leaving the ink slightly raised under her gentle finger tips.

"Do you still like it?" She mumbled close to his ear.

Derek smiled, "I love it, almost as much as I love you." 

"You are incredibly cheesy, Mr. Hale."

Derek let out an offended gasp, "cheesy? Here I am laying out my heart for you and you just stomp all over it."

"I would never do such a horrendous thing." She giggled into him as she felt his hands clamp down on her sides. His fingers were posed to tickle her ribs beneath the blankets.

Delilah didn't seem too worried with her predicament as she nuzzled further into Derek's neck and threw her leg over his hip.   

"Please forgive me, alpha." 

"I'll have to think about it." 

Delilah kissed him lightly below his ear. "Anything I can do to be in your good graces again?" 

Derek traced a light pattern onto her back and breathed in her violet scent. "I can think of a thing or two..."

"You want to tell me about them?"

"I'll tell you about one," he said as he slowly moved his head so he could meet her eye.

Delilah's hair was ruffled around her head as she looked coyly at him from her spot at his side. Derek lost his train of thought as he smiled happily at her.

"You're beautiful, you know?"

"I've been told," she laughed. 

Derek looked at her with mock shock. "Who told you that?"

"Fiancé . Don't tell him I'm here. He is very possessive. Doesn't like to share at all." 

"Seems like a catch," he laughed. 

"He is, but don't tell him..." She looked around the room with a suspicious glance. "I'm very possessive of him too."

Derek laughed and lifted her hand so he could kiss her ring. 

He stopped as he concentrated his hearing again downstairs. "I think Issac will wake up soon. His breathing just changed."

Delilah immediately threw the sheets back from her body and quickly scrambled to the end of the bed. 

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