i love you.

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Derek was in charge of stripping the bed, or really what was left of it. Stray feathers still floated around the room every time he tried to remove one of the torn blankets or shredded pillows. It was a mess but Derek couldn't be more proud especially after seeing the blush that covered Delilah's cheeks as he plucked feathers from her curls and dropped them into her waiting hand.

He separated the punctured pillows from the ones that survived their claws before pulling back the sheets and setting down fresh ones. Derek wrestled with the pillow cases as he heard the front door open. Any moment now he would hear the tall tale signs of teenagers downstairs and the happy squeal of Delilah when she was tackled to the ground by elated arms.

Giving up on the task for now, he opted to go see everyone, now that they were home. He told himself it was to make sure everyone was okay but really he wanted to ensure Delilah wasn't smothered to much.

Taking the steps down two at a time, he rounded the corner of the staircase to see Delilah pulling Issac into a tight hug. He was alone.

"I'm so sorry, mom," he murmured as he tucked his head against her neck.

Delilah shushed him gently. "We're okay. See?"

Issac nodded as he spotted Derek on the stairs. He pulled away reluctantly and wiped under his nose. He looked over at Derek with a down turned expression.

Derek sighed as he descended the last step on the stairs and joined the pair in the kitchen. With out missing a beat, Derek pulled Issac into a tight hug and looked at Delilah over the kid's shoulder.

She tries to hold back a smile as she rubbed a calming hand down Issac's back.

"See, we're okay."

Issac pulled back from Derek and looked at both of them before his lip started to quiver again.

"Oh Issac," Delilah said as she drew him to her again. Her had stroked lightly at the back of his neck as she spoke softly in his ear.

Derek gave her a half smile, trying to reassure himself and her, but Issac obviously wasn't doing okay.

"Where's everyone else?" Derek asked as he looked around the room. Issac's bag was tossed just shy of the door, meaning he dropped it as soon as he was in the loft.

"Issac took the stairs." Erica answered Derek as she came through the door. Boyd, Scott and Lydia were close behind.

Delilah smiled as the teenagers filed in and offered Lydia a kind nod. She wasn't expecting the girl but she was more than welcome to visit at any time.

Issac stepped away from Delilah, but kept a hand on the bottom of her large sweater. He knew it was technically Derek's but she wore it often enough that it should be classified as her's now.

Boyd quickly grabbed Delilah into his own hug and accepted the kiss she placed on his cheek. He was beyond happy to see she was okay. The last few days had not been easy for anyone but leaving the couple like the pack did at the abandoned mall, was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. 

"I told you she was fine." Eric's rolled her eyes as she shoved him gently out of the way for her turn. Delilah laughed and wrapped her arms around the girl who briefly accepted the hug before pulling away to watch her with an exciting expression. "Can I see?"

Derek settled against the kitchen island with his arms crossed and watched as Delilah tucked her hair behind her ears.

Erica squealed as she took in the slight point at the tip.

Delilah blushed and shook her freshly washed hair back to cover them. They hadn't gone away since the fight in the mall and she was a bit self conscious of their new appearance.

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