that's my son.

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"Delilah, come on," Derek pleaded.

He didn't receive a response as he knocked on the bathroom door.

"I'm doing everything I can here."

He heard a shuffling on the other side of the door. "If that was true, Issac wouldn't be gone and the betas would be home. How does that even happen? How do you lose an entire group of teenagers?"

"I didn't lose them!"

"Then what happened?" She shouted back. 

"If I knew we wouldn't be having this conversation," he sighed as he rested his back against the door. "Can you please unlock the door so we can talk. I hate when I can't see you, you know that."

There was a beat of silence.

"It's not locked," Delilah grumbled.

Derek tried the handle and the door swung easily open. He rubbed at the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

It had been a few weeks since Erica and Boyd had disappeared. Derek, Delilah and Issac had spent the remainder of the summer holiday searching everywhere for them. And they had one rule, no wondering off by yourself. 

Delilah was huddled in the empty bathtub. Her knees were drawn up to her chest and she was staring angrily at the wall.

Derek slowly approached Delilah and crawled into the tub to sit beside her. Delilah immediately placed her head on his shoulder and let out a shuddering breath.

"Why would he go out alone? He knows it's not safe, he knows the rules."

"Only Issac can really answer that." He said as he slung an arm around her shoulders to pull her body flush again his.

Delilah leaned into him and breathed in his clean scent, hoping it would calm her, if even the slightest. "I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something is going to go really wrong."

Derek smoothed the hairs from her forehead, "anymore flowers?"

She shook her head no. The last one she had seen was the hemlock used on Gerard. 

"I don't know if that's a good or bad thing?"

She shrugged. Between their searches, they had been holed up in the library trying to find anything about what they now called the "flower condition." So far nothing had come up in any of the books. Delilah had tried to speak to Deaton but he appeared to be gone for summer and Peter, well he disappeared soon after Jackson was alleviated from his kanima form. Derek wasn't concerned as he would turn up sooner rather than later, especially if he wanted a home cooked meal.  

"Why don't we go put some food into you, then we can go out searching again? We can even call Scott and Stiles when they are out of school to help."

"What's Stiles doing to do?" Delilah sniffled into Derek.

"Well he seems to be really taking after Noah and if we can't have the sheriff help look for Issac than he is the next best thing."

Delilah agreed with Derek. Noah wasn't allowed to know yet according to Stiles who didn't want his dad mixed up in any of this supernatural business. Too bad he didn't realize Noah was in the thick of it. 

"Do you think they took him? The alpha pack?"

Derek blew out a slow breath. "I don't put it past them."

"Why are they doing this again?"

"Power. It's always about power. And what better way to break us down than to separate us. "

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