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Delilah was terrified as she looked at Peter who was still grinning sardonically back at her. She didn't understand what was happening. Peter had killed Laura but he didn't understand he was doing it? He was also responsible for all of the attacks around town. He was the cause for Delilha losing her first patient in her career. It was his fault that she saw the life slip from a man's eyes.

More than anything she was confused as one hand this was Peter, her friend, Derek's last remaining family member and the other he was a monster. A true beast that would lick the blood from its claws like it was any other Tuesday night.

Derek hadn't said anything to her as they but his grip on her hand had remained firm. She could tell his ribs were still healing from Peter's attack and she subtlety ran her hand along them ensuring they had reformed in place. She really didn't want to have to break and reset any, especially with Peter so close.

They were no longer at the hospital. Instead, they were outside the school in Jennifer's car. Delilah wasn't sure what happened to her and even though she didn't care for the woman she would hate for anything bad to have happened.

Delilah was instructed to stay put as Peter and Derek headed inside, more than likely to talk to Scott. Peter had taken her phone and without actually saying it, commanded her not to run. It wasn't like she would anyway not with Derek looking like she would disappear at any moment.

From the shadowed side of the lot she could see both men making their way back to the car and as soon as Derek was back in the passenger seat his hand was wrapped around Delilah's. Neither of then said anything as they were unsure of Peter's course of action.

Navigating the car out of the lot and down the road, Peter drove in the direction of the preserve. Delilah was a bit afraid he was driving towards her house as she did not want the alpha anywhere near her home.

Both men heard the increase in her heartbeat and in response Derek squeezed her hand.

Driving past the turn to her property, Delilah watched as they existed off on to a small dirt path. She had never taken this road before and only vaguely remembered seeing it during her first drive into town.

This was a path Peter was obviously familiar with and by the look on Derek's face, so was he.

The road, although very straight opened to reveal the remains of a glorious home ruined by fire. It's once white exterior was a clouded grey and it's windows or what remained of them glittered like teeth.

The car stopped and three got out and stood before the old Hale house.

Delilah had never been here before and Derek had yet to take her to see it. Yes, she was always curious but knew this was a part of Derek he was deeply ashamed of. He needed to decide when she was to be exposed to this part of past.

She guessed there was no time like the present as she watched Peter walk up the charred porch and open the front door.

Derek stood still beside her and she
could see a far away look in his eyes. It broke her heart. Reaching up she lightly traced his jaw with the tips of her fingers and watched as he unclenched the tightened muscle.

Looking down at the woman who lightly touched his face, Derek saw Delilah stare back at him with a questioning look. Her hair was slipping from its once high ponytail and was noe haphazardly falling around her face. Her scrub top was stained with his blood and her uncovered thin arms were covered in goose bumps.

She was cold he noticed.

Derek cursed himself for not paying attention early. They had just trecked through the town in what was now the middle of the nightand she was only in her thin scrubs. The air held a frosty chill that was accompanied with dampness that stuck to your skin.

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