blood spots.

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Noah leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"And does Delilah know about all of this?"He gestured to the shift in Derek's eye colour and the hair receding from his face.

"Who do you think tries to keep everything in check." Derek tucked a curl behind her ear and ran his hand down the rest to wrap a curl around his finger. She had settled for now and appeared to be in a deep sleep. For that he was glad. 

Noah looked over at Delilah who let out a small laboured breath before quieting again. "And she is ..."

"Stiles figured it out but we've confirmed fairy, of some sort."

Noah smiled at the mention of his son. "How did he do it?"

Derek couldn't help his relaxed expression when he realized how easy it was for Noah to accept what Delilah was. He half expected him to ask if she had wings. "Stiles is an idiot, but when he hyper-fixates on something, he doesn't stop until..."

"He figures it out." Noah leaned back in his chair, a look of pride on his face.

"You don't seem shocked by any of this."

"I had a suspicious Beacon Hills wasn't a normal town. I've been here long enough to know that."

Derek picked at a biscuit in his hands, a small smirk forming on his face.

"Took you long enough," he mumbled. "Stiles was set that you were not to know anything and Delilah fought him on adamantly."


"He thought you wouldn't be involved. And she thought you needed to be."

"Wait not in... well," Noah said with a scratch to the back of his head. "I mean, his heart was in the right place."

The two mean lapsed into silence as Derek's attention turned back to Delilah. It had never fully left her while he spoke to Noah. His hand had continued to stroke at her hand to let her know he was there, while his finger still looped with her curl. Once Melissa returned from her rounds he would ask her for a new ice cup. His had now melted and the cloth was not having the same effect on her fevered skin.

Noah watched while Derek figitited and fused with her hospital blanket.

"She is very lucky to have you." Noah commented.

Derek scoffed lightly. "It's really the other way around. I'm not sure how I got by with out her. She's just..."

"Everything?" Noah offered with a far away expression.

"Yeah, everything."

"The wedding is only a few days away, what will you do?"

"I'm hoping," Derek said as he licked at his dry lips. "She'll be okay by then or lucid. I only want to do what she wants. Hell, if she wanted to do it here, I wouldn't argue with her."

"Anything to make her happy?"

"Anything," Derek agreed.

A knock sounded on the door and Derek looked up confused as Cora stood there, ice chips in hand.

"Cora, what are you...?"

"You know her?" Noah asked with a pinched expression between his eyes.

"Sister," Derek grunted with a confused look.

Noah rotated his head back and forth between the two. It wasn't long when he recognized the resemblance.

"Well I'll be dammed. I just brought her in for a concussion assessment and I couldn't figure out why she kept asking for Melissa." Noah looked at the girl as she handed Derek the ice. "You alright now, kid?"

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