one of mine.

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Scott was still fast asleep on the couch with Erica close by routinely checking his stitches. Occasionally she would lean over as swipe a the drool collecting on the pillow beneath his head. Technically he was resting on her side of the couch, if she could call it that. It is where she normally sat when they watched a movie all together or when her and Delilah had tea while the boys spared. She really didn't like the idea of sitting in Scott's drool spot in the near future, so she kept a cloth at the ready. 

She sighed when Scott let out a rumbling snore. She debated shoving the cloth into his open mouth when Delilah's phone started to ring on the counter.

"Delilah!" Erica called, loud enough to force Scott awake with a groan. "Your phone is ringing."

"Can you bring it out here?" Delilah yelled back from the open balcony door. Erica could see her hand raise into view through the window. An indication she was still where she has been for the last few hours.

Grabbing the device from the counter, Erica rushed it outside. 

Issac was still curled up against Delilah, head in her lap and her hand combing through his hair. From his slow even breathing, Erica knew he was asleep. She was glad, he had been nothing but restless until he set his eyes on her and Derek to make sure they were safe. 

Derek was murmuring to Delilah softly, a book propped up in one hand and the other playing lightly with Delilah's fingers as he sat close to her in an adjacent patio chair. Upon seeing Erica, he put the book down and grinned.

Erica didn't say anything as she read the title to herself, "From Mayflower to Mistletoe," finding it incredibly romantic that they read poetry together. That was something her own parents never did and she could only hope to soak up their sweetness while she could.

"Thank you," Delilah smiled when Erica passed her the phone. Her hand remained in Derek's as she stopped the stroking of Issac's hair with the other. Checking the ID before picking up she flashed a quick smile to Derek before settling back.

"Hello mama bear, to what do I owe this phone call."

She listened intently before her face morphed into one of concern.

"No," Issac mumbled as his arm tightened around her.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." Delilah ended her call and ran her free hand through Isaac's hair.

"Melissa needs me at the hospital, they're short staffed and an accidents been called in. 10 car pileup."

"You can't go!" Erica frowned and Issac could only agree. "What's Derek going to do, sit at the nursing station with you, so you don't die?"

Derek snorted at the girl. Melissa would with out a doubt not let that happen but she also wouldn't call in Delilah unless she was truly needed, and she would never put her in danger. His hand squeezed Delilah's fingers for her to look at him. She did so with a roll of her head and they shared a silent conversation.

"Oh, I'll be fine Erica." Delilah sighed, her eyes still locked with Derek.

Erica didn't believe her and crossed her arms in annoyance. "How are you going to explain it the hospital, why your side is cut to ribbons when Derek drops you off and leaves?"

"She won't have too. Delilah and I have taken steps to figure out how far apart we can really be."

Derek thought of her running through the woods and disappearing from his sight. At first he was concerned but she always and with out fail, returned to him unharmed. It was like moving with an invisible tether as they yo-yoed back to each other. In all honesty he couldn't wait to run with her again. It was a freeing moment that satisfied his wolf side greatly and by the way she still beamed at him as she thought of them running through the trees together, they would go again soon.

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