fading to black.

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"Noah, Noah?" Delilah called as she knocked on the Stilinski door.

She held an extra large cheesy pizza in one hand and a bag of vegetables in the other. She thought the pizza would provide the man at least a little sense of comfort, but there was no way she was going let him anywhere near it with out a salad. She felt entirely responsible for ensuring the vegetable intake for the Stilinksi men remained at an adequate level. 

"Noah." Delilah called again as she rang the doorbell.

Noah didn't open the door. She could see the light was on in the living room but there didn't appear to be any movement inside the house.

Delilah stamped her foot on the front step in annoyance. "Noah, if you do not open this door right now I am going to smear this very greasy pizza across your door and wait for a family of raccoons to move into your yard. I'm going to make sure they stay permanently and you'll never be able to get them to go away. I'll even deliver pizza to them personally-"

The door finally opened to reveal Noah rubbing at his eyes, the hair on the left side of his head was standing on end. He was dressed casually in a pair of faded jeans and an old army t-shirt. Delilah had never seen him like this.

"Why are you yelling out here?" He asked with a tired expression. Noah had obviously just woken up from a nap. 

Delilah pushed past him and into the house. Noah followed in his socked feet, his left one promptly displayed his big toe as it poked out from a large gapping hole. 

Delilah headed into the kitchen to put the food down on the currently empty counter. She opened the cupboard doors and pulled out the cutting board she used during her first dinner there and the sharp knife from the cutting block. 

"Sit," she said using the knife to point to the small kitchen table in the corner. 

Noah plopped into the seat and Delilah tried not to notice the slight twitch at the corner of his mouth. 

Delilah began pulling the vegetables from her bag and washing them in the sink. Once satisfied, she placed them on the cutting board to start her salad. 

"Alright Mr., spill."

Noah sighed at the table. "Suspended. I told Stiles it was a leave of absense," he mumbled. 

"For how long?"

"Temporary. They're conducting a review. Apparently it doesn't look good when your son is found stealing police property or turning up at multiple crime scenes. They're worried that I might be incompetent in my duties." 

Delilah finished her salad and set it on the table along with the pizza. Grabbing the plates from the counter she sat down across from Noah and flipped open the pizza box.

"Salad first, then pizza."

Noah nodded as Delilah dished out a healthy portion of leafy greens into his plate and then filled her own.

Delilah watched as Noah ate. He appeared to be hungry and Delilah was satisfied as he cleared the salad quickly and then reached over the table to grab two pieces of pizza.

"I think I was hungry," he said as he polished off the test of the salad on the table before reaching again for another slice of pizza.

"Yeah, you're looking a little gaunt their Noah. I don't think I'm coming around enough. When was the last time you went grocery shopping for something other than boxed macaroni and cheese?"

"Ah," he waved at her. "You've got your hands full with the boys, I don't expect you to be hounding after us here."

"But you're my boys too," she laughed.

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