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Delilah pulled back the covers on Issac's bed as Derek gently placed him down. She picked up the warm cloth she had brought from the bathroom and wiped it softly over his cheeks. She wanted to remove the tear marks that stained his cheeks.

"We should let him rest." Derek whispered as he stood back so she could fuss over Issac.

Delilah nodded and passed him the cloth. She pulled the blankets up to his chin. The smell from them would be soothing for him and much less abrasive than the antiseptic smells of the hospital.

Leaned forward she kissed his forehead and whispered a soft goodnight.

Derek smiled and held his hand out for her as they quietly closed the door to his room. Hopefully he would sleep peacefully for the night and know that they would both be there for him in the morning.

"I called the school and told them we both had a horrible flu and won't be in for a few days. The new principle is pretty relaxed about it."

In all honesty it wasn't the school that worried her, it was Bobby who was so insistent she be at his beck and call for his sports team. It was now cross country season and all lacrosse players were told it was mandatory to join. Thank goodness practice didn't start for another week or she was sure the man would be banging on the loft door.

"Okay, that's good." Derek sighed. "It gives us a few more days to find Erica and Boyd together."

Delilah started to chew on the side of her thumb as she thought of the betas. The worry was making her sick. She just hoped that wherever they were, they were together.

"Is he okay?" Scott asked from the couch.

"He will be. He's tired and in pain."

"Why pain? Hasn't he healed?"

"His wounds are from an alpha. That's why your neck is taking longer to close." Delilah softly moved his head to the side so she could look at the claw punctures.

"Der, can you grab the first aid kit? I want to clean these, just in case."

Derek grabbed it from beneath the sink and set it down on the coffee table.

"Stiles is on his way, by the way." Scott told Delilah.

She smiled at him as she dabbed so disinfectant onto a cotton swab. She didn't know where the alphas's hands had been and she didn't want any type of infection to slow Scott down.

"We were going to have pizza tonight, do you think you would both like to join?"

He nodded enthusiastically.

"Good the dough has been rising since this morning when I decided to stress bake."

"Homemade?" He smiled.

"Of course. Only the best for this household."

Derek rolled his eyes playfully as he headed to the loft door to unlock it. He could hear Stiles call for the elevator on the main level.

Scott leaned his head to the side so deliah could continue working. "Hey, are you gonna tell me who that was back there? That Alpha?"

"A rival pack. It's our problem."

Delilah sighed when Scott turned to her for an explanation.

"I know you wanna help, and you did- we owe you one, but we want nothing more than for you to go back to being a teenager."

Derek perked on the end of the dinning room table with his arms crossed. He just wanted the boys to have a normal life.

"Uh, hey, Derek? If you wanna repay back that favor now... There is something you can do for me."

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