sibling grievance.

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The elevator ride up the loft was quiet as Derek selected the floor for the library.

Issac was stewing against the wall as Delilah held Derek's injured hand gently in hers. She planned to change the bandage and assess any damage that did not heal as soon as they walked through the door.

"I don't understand why I have to do my homework in the library."

"Well," Delilah said calmly. "Derek thinks Cora might be a bit agitated and it would be best for you to stay with Erica until we ensure she is calm."

"I can take her." He scoffed under his breath.

"I have no doubt you can but we are trying to keep the peace, not start a world war in the living room."

"Once I can ensure she will be on her best behaviour, you can come right up." Derek sighed as the elevator dinged to signal the library floor.

Delilah stopped him before he could leave, "and I haven't decided if I'm going to ground you for starting a fight at school."

"I already told you it wasn't me! Those stupid alphas beat themselves up."

"Yes, but did you want to hit them?"

Issac grumbled under his breath as he hiked his backpack higher on his back. Delilah was right, he wanted to smash their faces in until they could no longer breath, but she didn't need to know that. 

He sighed as he took a step out of the elevator. He really didn't mind being in the library, he just didn't want the stupid wedding binder shoved under his nose and he knew Erica was going to do exactly that as soon as he sat down on one of the couches across from her.

The elevator doors closed and Derek rubbed at his temples before pulling Delilah to stand between his legs. "Remember what it was like when it was just us in the house?"

Delilah wrapped her arms around his neck. "Oh I do, but I prefer this."

She ran her hand up the back of his head and rubbed soothing circles into his scalp. Derek rested his forehead on her shoulder and sighed.

"You just miss the simplicity of our time together and I know for a fact that you don't like to share."

"No," he grumbled, though he didn't sound to convincing.

"Hmmm, I see how it is. Maybe Erica and I should have a sleep over tonight in her room. We could finish looking at floral selections."

Derek's head snapped up. "Yeah that's not going to happen. I get you at night."

"Well Der, you seem to get me in the morning, at noon, after dinner and again for dessert."

Derek licked his lips as he looked down at Delilah. His previous annoyance all but forgotten."What if I want you for a midnight snack."

"Well it depends if I'm hungry or not."

He smiled, amused by her comment. Brushing the hair behind her ear, he leaned forward to whisper, "I happen to know you will be starving."

The elevator dinged and the door slide open and revealed an annoyed looking Cora.

"You two are absolutely disgusting."

Derek growled at his sister as she walked back into the living room where she began pacing from one end of the room to the other. He had told her to take it easy or her injuries would never fully heal and if the alignment of her shoulder was anything to go by, he knew she was ignoring his direction.

Delilah kissed his chin with a promise for later and slipped underneath Derek's arms that were still caging her to the wall.

"How was your day Cora?" Delilah asked as she set the sealed flower bag down on the counter from her purse and thought about the best place to keep it. Perhaps Derek's desk where it will be out of harms way until they figure out what to do with it.

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