hold me.

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When Scott awoke he was confused as to why he was in a bed he did not recognize.

The last thing he remembered was Delilah appearing next to him as bullets started to rip through the Hale house. Looking around the small room he was in he could tell it was barely morning outside, the sun just on the cusp of beginning to rise. The room's small window gave him a beautiful view of the changing colours. From purple to orange, it was like the sky was dancing as the world began to walk up underneath it. 

Scott's eyes slipped closer to the ground outside the window and judging by the proximity of the tree line, he knew he was act least sttill in the preserve.

Trying to sit up he felt his chest constrict and before he could curl up further from the dull ache, he felt a hand softly grasp his shoulder.

"Easy there Scott. You haven't fully finished healing."

Scott looked up to find Delilah kneeling next to the bed with a reassuring smile. Looking down at his chest he saw a criss crossing of tightly wrapped white bandages.

"Where are we?" he asked, wincing from his chest's movement.

"My house. Derek should be here any minute." She answered, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Scott tried to stand from the bed and promptly fell back down.

"Give it a minute Scott. The bullets weren't deep but there were a a lot of them. By the time we got here, your body was already starting to push them out. I think I got everything and if I missed something, your body should do the rest. How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been shot." He answered in a flat tone.

"I know that smart ass, I had to carry you through the woods, in the dark might I add. I was afraid we would never get out as Noah said not to go trekking through them and Derek agreed with him, so I've never really had a chance to explore beyond my property line, not that I've had the time anyways.

Scott nodded absentmindedly at her rambling. Looking around at the books lining the walls he furrowed his brow, "where are we?"

"My house."

"Why does it look like a library?"

"I don't know it just does." She answered a bit exasperated that he was focusing on where they were and not what just happened. She deeply cared for the boy but was having a hard time understanding why Peter was so obsessed with him. "The shelves extend all the way through the house. I haven't even gotten anywhere close to reading then all."

"They aren't yours?"

"No, they were left to me."

Scott nodded as he moved again. Standing from the bed with a lot more ease than a couple minutes ago, he held his chest as he made his way over to a light yellow book that stuck out halfway through the stack next to the door.

"Curing a Yellow Wolfsbane Attack: a light aid for the deadly."

"I think they're all related to the supernatural in some way." Delilah said as Scott moved his fingers across more books. "Derek and I are trying to understand it all. He should be here soon."

Scott clenched his fist at his side. "Why are you with Derek? He tried to kill Jackson and he is working with Peter."

Delilah sighed. "He doesn't want to be but Peter said he would hurt me if he didn't do exactly as he says."

"That doesn't explain why you're with him." Scott grumbled.

"Why are you still with Allison?" Delilah countered.

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