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I woke up early today with a sore throat and a runny nose. 

Although I didn't go run with Emily because of my aching feet and I didn't go eat breakfast either, I still woke up early automatically today.

I only have one morning class today and nothing else for the rest of the day, so I made my way to the campus by myself, starting off early since I wanted to stop by the infirmary room.

The boots I wore last night indeed gave me some nasty shoe bites, which meant I can only wear large and comfortable footwear for the time being and that I should also probably throw out those boots now.

They aren't worth the pain anymore. If only they weren't this pretty. 

Regardless, the damage is done and now I'm on my way to the infirmary to get those band-aids and some soothing cream.

Besides, I should also get some medicine for the sore throat as well. Once I get a cold, it usually stays with me for a good couple of days so I know my condition will only get worse throughout the day. 

If I met up with Emily today then she would have given me the band-aids and medicines herself since she tends to keep a whole damn pharmacy in her bag.

The infirmary is relatively quiet when I enter, since its early in the day and the sister looks up when I enter. In our university, we just call the school nurses as sister, even though they aren't necessarily christian or catholic. Just really a term that has stuck over the years.

"Oh don't tell me you caught a bad cold too," The sister said when I entered.

I make a confused face. What does she mean by "you too"? 

That is when I notice someone else is also in the infirmary and I look towards the lined up beds and see Seungcheol sitting there, holding what looks to be a nasal spray in his right hand a mask in his left hand.

Seungcheol and I make eye contact, an awkward air forming around us, but I break that contact first and say, ". . .Uhm. . .I do have a cold. But that's not what I came for."

I look back towards the sister and say, "I actually want some bandages."

"Bandages?" The sister asked but got up to retrieve them anyways, not asking further questions. 

"Yes and do you have some sort of soothing cream?" I ask her, hoping towards one of the beds, and taking off my shoes to show my injury to her, "I actually got shoe bites."

I take off both of my shoes and my socks, showing my feet to the sister who comes over to examine my feet with her own eyes. 

"Oh my!" She exclaimed, "Those are some really bad shoe bites. You shouldn't even wear socks or shoes to let them heal faster."

"But its too cold to wear sandals right now," I say, pouting a bit. If I wear open sandals in this weather then I'm sure they will freeze over and turn into ice. 

"It is," Sister sighed, "Let me go find you some bigger bandages. They'll be better for you. I know we have them in the back somewhere."

Sister disappeared in the back of the infirmary, where the storage is, and left me here alone in the room, which Seungcheol staring at me while I tried my best to ignore him. 

"Those are some nasty bites," Seungcheol commented and immediately followed that with a loud sneeze.

That is one nasty sneeze.

When I didn't respond to him he continued, "Is that why you weren't running in the rain yesterday. Because of that."

When I still didn't respond and continued to pretend he isn't here, Seungcheol let out a loud sigh and said, "Look. I know what I said was not right and I shouldn't have said it. I should have had a better control over my temper but-"

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