escape route.

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Thunder crashed violent outside the hospital window as the storm picked up force and swallowed the sky in a swirl of black, heavy clouds.

Peter watched the lights flicker worryingly overhead before shifting quickly back to the door. His arms crossed and uncrossed across his chest in a figity manner. He was nervous and he tried his best to hold in the sigh he felt trying to escape through his nose. He hadn't moved from his spot in the hospital room since taking up guard in front of the young couple. He may have a general disregard for others but knew Delilah would do the same for him. Derek on the other hand...

Turning for a split second back to the bed he watched as Derek read quietly  to Delilah while using the ice to keep her skin cool. She hadn't moved from her curled up spot against his chest and if it weren't the shallow, rattling breaths Peter was now counting, he would have sworn she was no longer with them. 

The wind pressed heavily against the window, making the frame creak and groan under its force. Peter didn't like the sound, especially when it almost overpowered his ability to hear the increasingly rushed footsteps at the end of the hall.

Closing his eyes, he focused his earring in that direction.

"Okay," a voice that sounded like Melissa's took charge. "All medications should be sealed inside the plastic bags, and the patients carry it in their hands. When you've completely evacuated the room, you mark the door with a red "X," okay?"

"What's happening?" A voice Peter didn't recognize asked.

Melissa let out a low sigh. "The weather called for mild thunderstorms this morning, and now they're saying power is already out in several towns. Hill Valley's under a flood watch and we have been asked to evacuate."

"Who is left on this floor?"

"The Hales and I've got them. Nurse Vine is my responsibility." Melissa added with a tone of authority.

Peter shifted his weight on the chair as the sound faded and the rushed voices turned the corner. Melissa would obviously be back for them once she brushed off the other staff.

"They're evacuating the hospital," Peter told Derek. Speaking for the first time in a few hours. 

Derek who had stopped his reading,  glared at his uncle in confusion."Why?"

Peter rolled his eyes, watching the halogens dim once again. "Well, I know all of your attention is directed to your little fairy darling, but if you hadn't noticed what's happening outside then I'd say you are in for a bit of a surprise."

Derek closed the book in his hand and looked out to the window where rain was now coming down steadily against the glass. He was embarrassed to admit he honestly was not paying attention to anything outside of ensuring Delilah was still breathing and comfortable. He grit his teeth at his inability to be vigilant of his surroundings. 

As if taking pity on the man, Peter decided it would be best if he were to fill him in on what he had heard. "Nurse McCall will be by shortly after the rest of the floor is gone. I seriously doubt we will be transferred to the next hospital with the other patients."

Derek gave his uncle a questioning look.

"Too many questions," Peter supplied. "And if McCall isn't in charge... I would suggest making sure Delilah is ready to travel at a moments notice."

Derek hesitated for a second before he heard the commotion further down the hall as well. He moved slightly to slide off the bed and Delilah moaned in the process, with her arm out stretched trying to grab onto him.

Derek quickly linked his fingers with hers. "I'm right here, not going anywhere."

Picking up the bag from the floor he rifled through it until he came across one of the large shirts she usually wore to bed and a pair of fuzzy socks.

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