hey mom.

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The sound of Boyd's body landing forcefully on Derek's outstretched claws echoed through the loft.

Erica roared in anguish from her captive place in Issac's tight hold. He kept her locked to his side, afraid that if she were to intervene with the alpha's plans, she would be next.

"Boyd!" She screamed before her voice let out.

Derek couldn't look away as his beta's blood coated his arm and dripped into the water below. The sound of the droplets falling seemed louder than the screams still echoing around him. His claws retracted from Boyd's chest with a sickening squelch and stilled as they dropped to side once the twins who held his arms in place deemed he was finished. Kali released Boyd's neck from her hold and his limp body pitched towards the ground. Derek scrambled to catch him before his face hit the water.

Kali relished in his stunned expression.

"I'm giving you until the next full moon, Derek. Make the smart choice. Join the pack...give me your little fairy... or next time, I'm killing all of you."

Her eyes slid around the room, taking in the stunned expressions of everyone present. She found the three late comers to be the most interesting as they appeared to be completely taken back by what had happened.

Kali snapped her fingers to signal to the twins that it was time to leave. They did so with out question. Their job was done here as far as she was concerned and she did not really want to spend the remainder of her evening watching this pack turn into an emotional mess.

Kali hated when people cried. It was too entirely human for her liking.

She would be back though, not only for Derek but the girl. She could smell her and the incompetent alpha kneeling in the water with his beta in his arms wreaked of her.

Kalis' feet dragged through the water and her foot steps echoes down the hallway until the sound gradually faded. 

The twins followed behind her, their faces long as they looked over their shoulders with subtle glances to their classmates. They turned to follow after the other alpha, there was nothing they could do here anymore.

"It's okay..." Boyd said weakly.

Issac let Erica go as she bite into his skin with her claws to get to Boyd.

"No, no... No, it's not... It's not..." Erica cried as she knelt next to him. His clothes were soaked from the fight but she didn't mind, shouldn't care about anything less right now. She just wanted to stop the blood.

"It's all okay," Boyd said again "Derek..."

"I'm... I'm sorry." Derek cried as he grasped Boyd's outstretched hand between his own.

Erica whimpered beside him as the others looked. Lydia, who stood between Cora and Stiles, grasped the boys hand tightly in hers.

Boyd coughed as he took in a deep breath. "The full moon... that feeling? That was worth it." He coughed again and licked at his dried lips. Taking a moment, he looked at Derek with a soft expression.

"The lunar eclipse is almost here. I always wondered what... what that felt like for one of us" He struggled and for a second drew quiet, before taking in another shallow breath. "... for a Werewolf..."

He fell limply in Erica's arms. The last of the air leaving his lungs.

Erica tried to form any words while her hands gripped onto Boyd's jacket. She let out a pained cry and tried to pull his body to closure to her.

Derek looked towards the doorway where the alphas had disappeared.

"Are they gone?" He asked in a low voice as his once tearful expression morphed into a serious one.

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