a seed of doubt.

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"I don't think this is a good thing," Issac said to Scott as they watched the Sheriff speak to the other adults.

"Oh really smart ass? I kind of thought it was," Stiles quipped.

"Hey, don't be an ass," Issac huffed. "And where have you been all this time?"

Stiles didn't answer right away as he watched Derek take off his jacket and placed it over Delilah's shoulders as they stood in the hospital parking lot. She was leaning into Melissa while his dad tried to make heads or tails of what was going on tonight.

"Research," Stiles replied before shushing them to hear better.

"Hang on, hang on. They were both in the car?" Noah asked Melissa while simultaneously writing in his notes book and scratching at the back of his head.

Stiles shot up from his spot next to the boys and shook his head at his father. "No, Dad, they're trying to tell you that it was two separate kidnappings, okay? Two doctors, both gone."

Noah's forehead creased as he tried to understand what he meant. He pointed at truck that had jumped the curb after hitting another parked car in the lot."So, whose car is this?"

"Dr. Hilyard, the on-call doctor. The ER attending is the one that never made it back in." Melissa told him.

Noah pinched his nose as he looked over at Delilah and Derek who watched him with concern and back over to Melissa. "Let me just focus on getting your story first, all right?"

"Yeah." The others agreed as Noah pulled Melissa off to the side to start with her.

"These are definitely sacrifices, right?" Scott asked as Delilah and Derek came over to join the boys who watched on with interest.

"Yeah, I think this is the one Deaton mentioned earlier- Healers." Stiles sighed.

"What about Danny?" Delilah asked when she caught on to what they were talking about.

"What about him?" Stiles asked.

Scott frowned and ignored his friend, he would fill him in fully later. "He threw up mistletoe and that's not a coincidence. If he hadn't have been with Ethan, he probably would've died."

"Danny's not a healer." Derek added. 

Not unless he skipped school and went right into a medical profession, and Derek didn't peg him as the type as he seemed to have more of a knack with computers. Or at least that is what he remembered of the kid. He had only really seen him when he went to tell Stiles off and Stiles pretended Derek was his cousin. Delilah still called him Miguel time to time.

Scott looked at Derek with a confused face, "I don't..."

Stiles shushed Scott with the continuous smacking to his arm. one in quick Scott needed to move away from in fear that Stiles would catch his face. Looking over to his mom he saw the sheriff take a call on his phone.

"Can you hear that?" Stiles asked nobody in particular, knowing someone would listen in for him.

Scott closed his eyes and concentrated."...They found a body."

"Tara's at the scene now," Delilah added much to Stiles confusion.

"When did you..?"

"Don't ask now, but a lot has happened since we got to sit down and chat Sti."

"Geez," he said in response. "You think you know a fairy..."

Derek smacked him lightly on the back of the head.

"No hitting the human," Delilah scolded as she continued to focus on Noah.

Derek looked at her innocently as Issac snickered next to him. "Keep it up," Issac whispered. "And mom will make you sleep on the couch again."

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