Part 29

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I walk down towards Hogsmead. It's been at least two years since I've stepped foot here. It's still as busy as ever. 

My feet automatically move my body towards a small little building that is home to one of the grumpiest wizards I know.

The outside of the building is dark and sad. Drunk people walking out, while up ahead lights slowly turn out, signalling the midnight hour of sleep.

I walk into the inn while a drunk man mumbles himself through the door. The inside doesn't help with the gloomy look. If Aberforth wants people to come to his inn, he should change up the look.

A tall man that looks exactly like his brother stands behind the bar, cleaning a glass. He looks surprised when he notices me.

"Well," he says, setting the glass down with a thud. "What do you want?"

"A drink," I said sitting down next to a passed out woman.

Aberforth scoffs but pours a drink of alcohol. While I drink it, he won't stop giving me strange looks.

"What?" I finally ask.

"You went to see Albus," he states.

"What about it?" I ask annoyed.

Aberforth hands the woman another round of alcohol, moving her towards a different table. That way we can have a more private conversation.

"You should know not to trust Albus," he says, sitting in the now empty seat.

"Shut up Aberforth," I said, taking a sip of my drink.

He shakes his head in as an act of surrender. We both sit in silence. Only sounds are of the drunk woman and the occasional sip from my drink.

"I can't have Harry," I finally say. "I know you really don't care, but when I asked Albus about it, he seemed to be hiding something."

"That's what he does Layla," Aberforth says.

"Told me that a blood bond or whatever is keeping him safe," I said. "How is he going to grow up not knowing who his real family is?"

Aberforth ponders this, going to grab the bottle of alcohol to fill up my cup. He strokes his grey beard while the liquid fills the empty space of the cup.

"Sometimes," Aberforth starts, "we have to pick our battles and our enemies."

I stare at him. "Great advice," I said sarcastically.

"Listen," he says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Just because you can't raise Harry, doesn't mean you can't be there for him. Albus is a bugger when it comes to family, trust me I should know. Never ask advice from him, now go home. You have a family to take care of."

He goes back to behind the bar, cleaning his glasses again. The drunk woman stumbles back towards the bar for more but Aberforth cuts her off and sends her upstairs to rest.

"I just don’t want Harry growing up like Neville Longbottom," I said.

"Who?" He asks.

"Alice and Franks kid," I said. "Do you seriously not pay attention to anyone but you?"

"I pay attention to you," he states.

"That's only because I bother you nonstop," I said.

I down the rest of my drink. We both go back to sitting in silence. 

My mind raced to the horrible fate of Alice and Frank. If anyone deserved the world, it would be those two. They were so happy and just wanted a better life for Neville. But now, they are stuck at St. Mungo's, never knowing who their son will grow up to be.

"Seriously Layla," Aberforth interjects my thoughts. "You're a smart woman, you can do whatever you set your mind too. If that's finding a way to get Harry then go for it. But it might do more harm than good in the end."

I sigh. He does have a point. Harry has people who are going to feed him and keep a roof over his head. And it's not like I'm completely giving up on him. Harry is still going to need that strong presence in his life, if I give up on him now then there isn't a point for trying.

I know I can't show up at his aunts and uncles house whenever I want. But they have to go out at some point and when they do, I will be there to give Harry something. A candy bar, a hug, a smile, anything that could make him feel hope.

"Thank you, Aberforth," I said standing up. "I'm using your fireplace."

"Don't expect anything different," he mumbles.

"You're the best, Aberforth," I said. "Through you could smile more!"

I grab some of his floo powder. I stand in the fireplace, holding out my hand.

"Take care of yourself," Aberforth calls after me.

"Always do," I say. I call out my destination and am engulfed by green flames.

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