part 59

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"Be quiet you fucking mut. You wouldn't want to anger momma any more would you?" At this point I'm crying uncontrolably, I just shake my head in response. Hoping this time it wouldn't happen. Hoping I wouldn't loose my voice again.

It wasn't different. I was put onto silver table. I couldn't move, couldn't resist anything they were doing. They infected something into me and I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was in my then times sisters room.
"Finally you're up you worried me sick Elia." I tried speaking, I didn't.  Ria turned pale at the realization that I wasn't speaking to her.
"I'm so so sorry Elia.." She cried as she pulled me into a hug.

That's when I jolted up in my own bed. In the hideout. I looked around frantically, not even knowing what exactly I was looking for.
"Kiddo?" My eyes flashed to the doorway, where Midoriya was standing with a concerned look. I sit back slightly upon seeing him but don't calm down, I realized tears were streaming down my face and my hair was entangled in my hands. I keep looking at Midoriya, who slowly makes his way towards me. My breaths were quick and shaky and I couldn't seem to calm down, even when Midoriya eventually made it to my bed I could hardly breath and my sight had become blurred out by the tears.

I couldn't stop thinking about the dream and how I had to experience all that again. Midoriya carefully put his hand on my shoulder, to my own dismay I flinched. so did Midoriya when I did, he pulled his hand back and just kept telling me to breath. trust me, I'm trying.
"Hey kiddo, just look at me, alright?" His voice was supposed to be calming but did absolutely nothing. I did as he told me and looked at him. "Good.. Now just breath, 'k? Breath with me." I nod slowly, almost chocking on my tears.
"Alright, good. Just keep breathing." I heard some commotion in the other room and glanced at the door. Midoriya also looked at it and quickly threw Toga's knife at the door, which had been left slightly open. this closed it to my surprise.
"Don't mind any of that. Just look at me, wipe your tears and keep breathing." I try doing as told but the tears keep coming. I hadn't had a dream like that in years. the last time was a few days after I arrived here, at the hideout.

after a while I managed to calm down a bit and felt my mind slowly dozing off again. I could just see Midoriya standing up again and ruffling my hair (Tangling it even more -_-). When he stood up to walk away, now reassured that I was ok and opened the door there was a familiar pink haired kid in the doorway. Azarel looks at me concerned. Someone had probably told him about what was going on.
"Mini-Hawks." Midoriya greeted him, trying to be quiet. Azarel waved away the insult and asked if I was ok.

(Deku's POV)

"Is Elias alright??" The pink haired kid asked, I had just managed to calm them down a bit so I nodded hesitantly.
"He's almost back asleep so be quiet." I mutter as I step out of the way. I didn't like the kid that much but he seemed to make Elias happy. So I let it be. Azarel nods and tip toes into the room, very obviously trying to be silent. I shut the door behind me and go back to the bar area.

"Everything alright with Elias?" Eijiro asks when he sees me. I nod, still concerned, it didn't happen often that Elias panicked about something.
"Yeah. it's asleep again, I think." I state, sitting down and ordering a drink. "Surely Izuku Midoriya." I looked up at Kurogiri, it had been a while ago since he called me by my full name. I quickly shrug it off. I get handed my drink and kept glancing at Elias's room every once in a while. I was in their room to check how they were doing because of their earlier lack of sleep, instead I found them twisting and turning in its bed and it almost seemed like he was trying to talk.
"Hey Boss, there's someone here for you." I turn around to face Dabi. Who gestured at the door, which was shut. I take a sip of my drink and stood up. Dabi grabbed my shoulder tightly before I could even touch the doorknob.
"She recognized me and demanded that I'd bring her to you. Be careful kid." I shrugged his hand off and opened the door to see a green haired lady. I give Dabi a quick kick in the kneecaps (Fun fact: I'm taller than that bitch so it's easy to reach)
"Hello Izuku." Upon hearing the familiar voice even Eijiro stood up, already making his way to me.

"Hello Inko." I didn't dare call her my mom.

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