part 35

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{A-N: quick shout out to KikoyoKatsuki for being here from the beginning, you really keep up my inspiration to keep writing this story}

Some time later Kacchan comes back to our table, after seeing both me and Eijiro finished our drinks. He looks me up and down once more.
"Is there an issue?" I ask, as polite as I can manage.
"I feel like I know you." He states, not yelling. Now cursing. Just a short statement before he walks away.
"Ok? I don't know you so I don't think you'd know me." I lie. Kacchan looks back at me once more before going to the back room.
"Whatever." I can just hear him grumble before the door shuts.

"He's still rude as hell." I state.
"I don't think that will ever change." Eijiro agrees.
"No me neither." I agree. I stand up and put on my coat. Ordering Eijiro to do the same.
"What about paying?" He asks. I chuckle.
"When is the last time we've payed for anything?" I ask, no answer, so with that we try leaving. We fail.

Before we can actually leave Kacchan comes storming towards us. Holding a picture. I immediately recognize it as a photo that went viral on social media some time ago. It's a picture of me in the most recent attack on UA. Me with black hair, and this coat.
I silently curse myself for it as I push Eijiro behind me, more out of habit then to actually protect him.
"You little fucking shit." Kacchan says to me. I roll my eyes at him at pull out my gun. I pulled out the one that still contained 3 quirk canceling bullets.
"Hello Kacchan." I say sweetly.
"Deku.." he mutters. I'm surprised he's still not screaming.
"Kirishima what the fuck?!" Oh and he does yell at Eijiro?? I glance at him, he's still standing behind me, probably thinking of a lie to get out of this. There is none. We're caught.
"Oh well. Lying to you all was fun." Eijiro informs Kacchan, I smile. The best thing is that no one will believe Kacchan. The café is empty besides us.
"Izu let's just leave." He tells me, I groan, but put away my gun and follow him away from the café.

Once we're back at the base I start laughing. Eijiro just watches me, no emotion crossing his face.
"There's nothing funny about this Izu." I pause for a moment, knowing he's right.
"Oh well. No one will believe him anyway, Eraserhead will make sure of that. And his face was quite funny. Just admit it."

{A-N: i know this part was very short but I just wanted to get something on here before school started.}

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