Seher | Dawn

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Manha's Apartment.

Manha tilted her head towards her right and then left saying Salam and ending the Salah as she took a deep breath and sat comfortably on the prayer mat.

Her hands raised in dua as she closed her eyes and mumbled all the prayers that emerged into her heart.

She thanked Allah again and again for Nisa's survival, for keeping her faith towards Him in the time of difficulty, she thanked Him for all the blessings in her life.

She asked for His guidance because she really didn't know what to do and what not. She resigned from the agency officially. She got to know through her grandfather that Raheel was about to leave the country but Fahad had alerted the police and they were after him now. She didn't know what was going to happen. She didn't want things to get messy like that but they still had.

She heard the door of the bedroom opening and wiped her face taking a deep breath before standing up.

Daniyal passed her a small smile and walked to the bed removing his shoes.

"Are you okay?" He asked seeing her sit beside him.

She shook her head removing the dupatta from around her head.

"But Nisa is totally fine now. She was about to get discharged as well, didn't she?"

"She did but there is something else," she said putting her head on his shoulder as he put his arm around her.

"What is it?"

"Raheel was behind this accident." She said slowly and felt him stiffen beside her.

"Raheel?" She nodded.

"He got it done to harm me but I was not into the car, Nisa was." Her throat ached from the bile of tears inside.

She looked up to see him clenching his jaw.

"But the police is after him. Fahad handled it all." She held his hand because she knew he was getting angry.

"The thing that scares me the most was if Nisa wouldn't have been able to turn the car at time, she would have- anything could have happened to her Daniyal. How would I have ever forgiven myself than?" A tear rolled down her eye as she ran a tongue over her dry lips.

"Sh, it's okay." He held the side of her face and she put her arm around his neck clinging onto him.

"Nothing happened to her, Alhamdulillah. Don't stress about it." He rubbed his thumb over her cheek and she closed her eyes feeling her heartbeats getting back to normal.

"I was the one to provoke him, he had enemity with me, why did Nisa got involved in all this," she pushed her head into the crook of his neck.

"I can never see her in pain. She is just so innocent and precious to me. Seeing her hurt makes me angry and hurt as well."

"We will not leave that bastard. How dare he even try to do this? He will have to pay for what he did." She felt him wipe her tears.

"Can we lay down for a while?" She asked and he nodded as they settled in the bed and held onto each other, just being there for the other silently.

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