Kainat | Universe

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Manha's apartment.

"I hope to see you all again next week, keep me in your prayers. Assalam u alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu." Manha smiled at the screen as the man's voice boomed from the speaker of her laptop and she exited the video call.

Sighing Manha loosened the scarf around her head and turned to look as Daniyal walked out of the room with one of his trouser's leg upto his knee and his shirt half tugged into them, his hair were all messy and eyes sleepy. He was always so messy and rough, cleanliness was not one of his traits.

"Are you done with the class?" He asked pausing midway and Manha nodded.

"Good. Your son was eating my foot because he wanted the damn door open," he stepped back and pushed open the bedroom door as Ben ran out with a bark and rushed to her.

Manha grinned catching him and ruffled his hair as he sniffed her neck.

"Ow, calm down honey," she scratched his head as he looked at her with his black twinkling eyes and a hanging tongue.

"Please don't call him that," Daniyal groaned opening the refrigerator and pulled a water bottle out.

"Do you want some?" He asked raising it in the air and Manha nodded with a grateful smile.

"Yes please, my mouth is all dry,"

He strolled back to the living area and jumped on the couch.

"Then go and take it." He shrugged with an amused smile and Manha's smile slipped as she rolled her eyes at him.

"I don't want to swear but ugh. You really are a test of patience for me from Allah Subhanu Wa Ta'ala,"

"Oh habibti," he blinked at her and Manha picked a cushion throwing it right at his face as he laughed.

"Donkey. Actually no, that would even be a shame to that poor animal to compare him to you!" She got up pointing her finger at him.

"Well..." he trailed off shrugging and it pissed her off some more. She fisted her hands in the air before shooting him a glare.

"Go to hell and don't come back ever. I hate you," she leaned in to scare him and he moved back laughing.

"Are you sure you won't miss me? You know what? Let's go together, we will have our party there," he called making her roll her eyes again.

"Pata nahi kya musibat agaye thi mujhe jo tum se shadi karne ke liye mari ja rahi thi mein," she spoke after gulping down some water.

"Arey begum, don't you know gussa is haram?" He turned to look at her and Manha ignored him pulling out some chicken from the freezer and put it to defrost.

"I am going to take shower and I want the room back in it's shape till then Daniyal." She warned picking her laptop seeing him pick her phone from the table.

"Ya ya," he waved his hand dismissively.

"And give me my phone,"

"Why?" He opened it and Manha clicked her tongue.

"What will you do with it? You don't even know the new password," she sighed.

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