Andhera | Dark

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I totally forgot I had to update today. What do I do with this brain of mine????

Anyways, here you go.

TW: mention of abuse.

کتنے ہونٹوں سے تبسم کے جنازے لیکر
وقت ہر روز، دبے پاؤں گزر جاتا ہے

Jinnah International Airport, Karachi.
02:46 am.

Manha huffed pushing the hair strands out of her eyes as they burned with sleep.

She hasn't have been able to sleep peacefully for three days because of the fittings and practices of the show.

"Where is he?" She grumbled talking about the driver who had to pick her up.

Sadia had already left with her brother after making sure Manha's driver was on his way.

She stood up from the bench seeing the car pull up with a guard at the passenger seat, driver pulled open the door for her while the guard put in her bags.

She got in silently as they started driving back home. Dawood Mansion was far away from the airport but she hoped they would reach soon because of the empty roads.

A small smile slipped out her lips seeing her city almost awake even in the middle of the night.

She wanted to go to her apartment and sleep in peace but she hasn't let anyone in there and it would be all dusty so she had opted to spend the night there and sneak out when her father won't be home.

She knew she was in for a long long lecture at the way she had talked to him last time almost half a month ago. They haven't contacted each other after that but she knew he would be angry.

She sat up from her sleepy position as the car rolled into the driveway. The guard pulled open the door for her as she hopped out with her phone in her hand.

"Get this stuff up to my room please," she asked the driver who nodded unloading her bags, and walked ahead.

She followed lazily looking around at the dimmed house. It was all silent as everyone snored in their rooms.

She was halfway up the stairs when the driver walked past her bidding his byes and out of the house closing the door behind.

She let out a yawn putting the back of her palm against her mouth when she almost shrieked at a silhouette standing against the lamp.

"Hello," she frowned slightly at her father's voice.

"Hi daddy, you are up this late?" She stuffed her hands into the pocket of her hoodie with her phone and intertwined her fingers inside, slightly nervous.

"I was waiting for my dear daughter," she felt his arm around her shoulder as he smiled at her. She could notice the wrinkles by his eyes up close as he rounded them back towards the stairs.

He started walking and she had to walk too because of his arm around her shoulder.

"How was your trip to Poland?"

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